You are my sunshine, my sunshine

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Passion Grabbed her make over and curled Her sister's hair and Orange did Pear's Hair and Suit How do I look? said Mandy You look so sexy said Passion Even sexier than me She took off her Glasses and took the red lipstick off her Pear did a wolf whistle You look so sexy and damn are those your upper abs? He asked you look fit said Mandy Orange said We will get ready soon Orange's Sister volunteered to Watch the kids while the couples But Pear was determined To propose to Mandy Orange wore his suit and Passion wore a Black and Purple dress that her hips show Pear had his ring box in his Pocket. little Apple Kissed Orange's Sister while she was feeding the kids Tangerine asked where is mommy and daddy yeah said Valencia They are Out said Orange's Sister Little apple went to Orange's Sister room He pulled her nipples and smacked her ass Hey! Said Orange's Sister Little Apple grinned Later Pear got down on one knee Will you marry me Mandy? yes..said Mandy

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