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Please note: I don't know anything when it comes to drug abuse, so don't take what I written as factual. Also I do not own Rammstein. I don't even know Rammstein. This story is 100% fiction. Danke!


Richard felt like a ray of sunshine. He smiled as he reached over for a bottle of pills. What kind of pills were these? Who cares, Richard didn't even know. But they made him feel good, so that's all that matters. Richard screwed of the cap, and grabbed two capsules and popped the pills into his mouth. The guitarist then proceeded to down them with alcohol.

I'm going to have the best night of my fuckin' life. Richard thought to himself. Life has been miserable for poor Richard. He has turned to drugs and alcohol. He was a mess. His house wasn't too pretty either. Dishes stacked up, dirty clothes were all over the place, randoms objects were scattered about and in the middle of the living room floor laid Richard's small collection of drugs. Every single day it's get drunk, get high, sleep and repeat. It's not like he cares or anything. But tonight was different. Richard finally decided that he was going to off himself from this cruel world. Finally, Richard will become truly happy, an emotion that he hasn't experience in a real long time. Oh, what a magical night it would be. He had it all planned out. But things don't always go as planned.

A knock sounded from the front door. Richard got up from his spot on the floor, took a swing of his alcohol and walked to the door. Richard wasn't prepared for who he was about to see on the other side of the door. Richard opened the door.



It was Till. Richard hasn't bother to keep in contact with his bandmates in the last few days due to his drug addiction. Every phone call, every text, he just sorta ignored them. He should've known that one of them was bound to check up on him sometime soon. Still, he hadn't been expecting it.

"Till..." Richard said.

"Richard, are you okay? You look awful!"

"Gee, thanks."

Till pushed past the smaller man and walked into his house. Richard's house was a lot worse than Till thought it would be. The singer look down at Richard's small arrangement of drugs on the floor. "Richard..." Till said as he turned to look at Richard. Till froze once he seen the pill bottle and alcohol in his hands.

"What?" Richard snapped, "What are you looking at?"

Till didn't answer. He instead tried to reach for the pill bottle from the younger man. But as he tried to grab it, Richard yanked the pill bottle away. "These are mine, get your own." Richard said with a sour look on his face.

"Richard...how long have you been taking these? How many did you take?" Till questioned, sounding ever so concern.

Richard just smiled and laugh, "I dunno." He then popped another two pills into his mouth and took a drink. Till couldn't believe that Richard had the nerve to do this in front of him. What a prick.

"Richard, please stop."

"Why should I? It's not like I care about my life or anything." Richard snapped at Till, but yet, still smiling.

"But I care."

"Yeah, I fucking bet."

The guitarist then proceeded to swallow another pill, this time dry. This hurts. This hurts Till to know that Richard thinks that Till doesn't care about him at all. Little does Richard know, he is wrong. Oh, Richard doesn't even have a clue about how much the singer cares about him. Besides, if Till didn't care, would he have dropped by unexpectedly? This is something that Richard doesn't think about.

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