Chapter Twenty-Two

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"A Little Note"



"There comes a time when we all get a little curious about where we came from. Where our parents came from, our grandparents. We wonder whether these stories are cloaked with fibs and hidden meanings. Some people are adopted, but they grew up to think they're family is their biological one. That they were the children to come out of the mother's womb, the ones who were carried for nine months. And sometimes we're hurt when we find that we didn't come from that mother, or we did, but they gave us up. Class, I'm telling you this because your assignment for your next paper is based on your family history. You must tell me where you came from, where your parents came from. You must explain the dark past's that you hold, and I understand if you feel too uncomfortable to do so. But those who feel differently, tell me the things you experienced in your childhood. But most importantly, you must tell me what family means. Tell me what you think family is, and what you think it should always stand for. You have a month from now to research and discover your information, and hand the paper in on time."

I was still contemplating the idea of this paper when Mrs. Green dismissed the class. Yes, Mrs. Green - her husband was the professor for my Medical major and she was the professor for my Self-Assessment Major. When I first took a look at the major, I didn't see the point in it. Why did we need to think about ourselves and how we'd lived our lives when we were preparing for a new beginning? But then I got a call from the headmaster of the University and he explained that it was a major that really was only for our "right now" part of life. And after I learned what it was truly for, it made my decision to join this University that much more unique.

He explained that the class was to help us think about ourselves, because at this point in our lives we only focus on what we want in the future. What we would like to work towards. The major was to help keep our view of the world intact, to keep us from losing ourselves before we'd even found who we were. That was when I learned that right now, we were more lost than we'd ever been. And I needed the major to help myself right now.

If I had to be honest, this class was the only class that I actually looked forward to joining every day, especially since finding out that the villain that killed me all those years ago came back to finish me off. Or, maybe I wanted to hold onto what I used to be, before all of this started.

Whatever the reason, I enjoyed the class.

I gathered my things and made my way out of the room, hoping to clear my mind of all the things that blocked me from doing anything besides worrying. My car was closer than I realized, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I could throw my books into my passenger seat. I slammed my car door shut, happy to finally leave the University. I just didn't feel safe anywhere anymore, and I didn't think anyone could blame me.

I reached up to my visor and pulled it down, hoping to find my sun glasses. It was bright out, which I really hated sometimes. But as I opened it, a small yellow sticky note fell out, nearly hitting me in the face.

Okay, so it wouldn't have hurt, but it still startled me a bit.

I reached for it and pulled it up close to read it in case it was an important note that is forgotten about from a class. But the words made my blood run cold and my world spin.

Your little boyfriend, Horan, will be a great asset. I think this game just got a little more fun.

I didn't need to see an initial to know who it was, and I felt my head spinning. I reread the message a million times until I finally kicked my ass into gear. I zoomed out of the parking lot without paying any attention to who almost got hurt, because at the moment I just didn't care. Hell, I couldn't even think straight.

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