Hello+ there, dears. I must assume yo+u already kno+w who+ I am, due to+ probably reading my pro+file. Or at least, I do+ ho+pe yo+u read it.
I will be here answering all o+f yo+ur desired questio+ns; explicit, kinky, personal, humo+ro+us, etc. As the administrato+r said, she will no+t answer any questio+n given to+ her. So+, please try to+ understand this and fo+llo+w the simplest rule. Thank yo+u.
No+w, shall we let the fun begin?
All credits go to Hussie; who created Homestuck and some other Web-comics.
Ask - Porrim Maryam
FantasyAdmin here decided to make an ask before she started to make a story. You can only ask Homestuck-related things to Porrim, not me(the administrator of this account.) I hope you enjoy your time asking Porrim some stuff, bye.