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Hi I'm James ,I would like to be considered a average person but.... Well...ah who cares this is my story from beginning to end.

I'm James from USA,Texas, I grew up in a normal household had a brother and two sisters. My story begins when I was six my parents took us to NYC it was huge, we where meeting a old family friend but before that we went to our hotel where we were staying well that didn't end so well. Let me explain when I was young I was a little insane, first off me and my siblings got away from my mom then we started the chaos that was soon to come

We went to the snack bar and and consumed EVERYTHING and soon after we ran havoc in the main hall we broke the vases screamed and finally played a little game of tag with the security guards. Later we went to the third floor and got ahold of a trolley just sitting there we couldn't resist, we started riding this trolley up and down the halls of course it didn't take long before the guards found us and the chase was on. We spit up I managed to get to the laundry basket and hide, but I soon regret it because I stumbled in the dirty pile and I tell ya it was nasty.

After more running we finally got caught when I couldn't stand the Oder of the laundry, and I was brought to my parents who where not so happy and long story short we got kicked out.

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