chapter 3

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After the movie "the notebook" he took me to the La French restaurant.
I had the caesar salade with rolls,and James had a steak(I had a bite). After he took me to the mall and he bought me a stuffed bear that had a note that said I love you. Of course I had to hug him.
"Do you want me to get you anything else?" James asked.
"No I'm good"
"Hey it is almost 9:30 we should get you home"
"But I loved our date and I don't want it to end"
"Your mom will kill me,but do you want to go on a date on Friday during the football game?"

(They arrived at the house)
"Hey this was fun"I said.
"Yeah I guess it was"
He was leaning in and I leaned in. Then we kissed it was like it was Summer and there was a nice breaze and I can feel my cheeks getting warm like there was hot coals on them. He pulled away and I was sad that I couldn't stay with him holding my hand.
"I'll text you I promise"
"I'll be here waiting till our second date.

Thanks guys for reading if you have any questions just ask me and I do not want you to know what James looks like because everyone has a different picture of him in his mind so you only get to know what Violet and Carlos,on the next chapter will be a picture of Carlos.

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