Chapter Three

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    With uncertainty that I had never felt before, I cued my horse to move forward toward the trail. The trail was mostly woods with many trees and wildlife. I didn't say anything and neither did Erin, but we both knew without saying to follow the path closely. I have never felt apprehensive riding this path before. I never gave safety a second thought. As we slowly reached the two mile marker, we decided to turn around and try to make it home before we couldn't see. We decided to keep the pace a little faster than a trot so that hopefully, we would make it home in time before we lost lighting.

     As soon as we reached the ranch, we dismounted, fed, and groomed our horses making sure that they would be comfortable during the night. A slow and steady rain began, making me wish that I brought a jacket. We were heading back to the house when we heard the breaking of twigs as if someone was following behind us and didn't care if we heard them. We picked up the pace gradually until we began running as fast as we could to the house. Without realizing it, I let out a shriek, which caused the situation to be more panic stricken. We practically jumped onto the porch, forgetting about the stairs and slammed the door behind us. I was breathing heavily and I could practically see my heart jumping out of my chest. The door behind us opened with a slow creaking noise. Erin and I screamed at the top of our lungs for what seemed like hours. It was like we were being attacked and screaming was our last cry for help. It took us a long time to realize that it was my mom in her raincoat.
   "What were you doing out there in the dark all alone?" My mom demanded.
   "We were grooming our horses." I said. After all I am not fibbing, I am just leaving out major details.
   "What were you doing?" I asked.
   "I was out there putting my saddle in the stable before it got drenched. Next time you are heading outside, please notify me." My mom said with an edgy tone to her voice. "Okay." Erin and I said in unison.

    Erin and I headed down the hallway, laughing hysterically.
   "You should have seen your face, Alex! It turned as white as a ghost!" Erin said in between breaths.
   "Oh I knew it was my mom all along." I said hoping that I sounded convincing enough. I really was freaked out. I had no idea who it was or what was happening. In fact, it seemed so surreal that I felt like I was in a horror movie. After calming down and watching  "Angel Horses" my favorite movie, we plodded into the living room like zombies. I was exausted, mainly from our "hallucination" but also from laughing until my sides ached.
   "Good night" I wearily mumbled to Erin. Five minutes later, I was sound asleep.

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