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This world is so confusing

and I'm tired of it

tired of the daze

of the confusion

just stumbling around

numb to the world around

so tired of not being good enough

always having to try

to fake

to fit in

just for the sake of an inconsiderate few

who can't see

won't see

won't even look

at the real me

I'm just watching waiting

for my chance

my chance to just fade away

and never come back to this world

this world of the fake and superficial

hoping this world will forget me

and let me sleep

give me peace

just let me sleep

to break this daze that I've lived in for so long

and go somewhere

somewhere I can be me

the real me

not this zombie that I've become

to satisfy the people around me

they are fake

they only care about appearance

I'm just so tired

so ready to leave

to get out

maybe once I'm gone then they will see

see the shell of people they have become

I am different

I don't belong

I will not belong

I will not fit in to their box

I will be different

I will be me

the real me

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