Chapter 3: Adam, Let Me In.

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  • Dedicated to Ethster Demois

I peered in the window and Adam was doing his homework, holding his head up with one hand tangled in his blonde hair. He was doing math, I could tell by the calculator and the puzzled expression on his face. He'd been stuck on the same question for 4 minutes.

"Adam!" I called out but had no response.

I remembered the leaf falling through me, and got an idea. If I'd tried to walk through the door, it might just work, in the back of my undead mind I knew it was a dumb idea but it was worth a try. Taking a deep breath, I thought it out once more.

I held my breath again and started toward the door. Toward my son, the one thing in this world I had hope in. The one person who I wanted to protect for the rest of his life.

With quick steps I realized that I had made it through. I was through the door, in my house. I was home.

"Hm?" I heard Adam say.

He turned to my direction with a questioning look on his face. I got a rush of excitement, could he see me? But the excitement had only lasted a moment, Adam had returned to looking down at his paper.

 "Adam." I said firmly, but got no response.

At this time tears would be forming, but I remembered that I wasn't really alive, I couldn't cry. That was the saddest part of it all. Inside I could feel emotions but outside they wouldn't show.

 I reached out my hand in hopes that he would at least feel me near him. He looked up with an awareness and called out.


"Adam I'm here!" I yelled.

"Daddy?" He questioned.

"Yes!" I shouted.

The end Of Chapter 3 <_< >_> <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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