Chapter 1

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20 years earlier...

"Come on Briana! You can do this!" A middle aged man shouts to his daughter

"I... I can't!" Briana cries

"Yes, yes you can! You can defeat it! We know you've got it in you!" Her boyfriend yells

The creature was getting closer. Things were turning to the worst.

"Luke, it's got to be at least 10 feet tall!" Briana shrieks as she runs to the other side. "Are... are those FANGS?" She yelled in terror

"You've faced many a creature before! There's nothing different about this one!" Luke hollered

"ARE YOU FOR REAL?" Briana exclaimed

"Just, just cut it! Throw your sword at it! Do anything!" Her father Richard shouted

Briana put down her shield to give her two hands, grabbing her sword and as she threw it into the stomach of the beast. It bellowed, walking back slowly, until collapsing onto its back.

Briana sighed in relief, before embracing her love and her father. "You did it Brie" Luke whispered into her ear, then kissing her forehead.

Briana let go of Luke and Richard as they turned around and walked towards the rocky terrain to get the hell out of there.

But unknowingly, the beast began to stand, as it pulled the sword out of it's body, held it and struck Briana in the back.

Briana screeched in pain and fell to the ground. "No, NO!" Luke yelled joining his love on the ground. On his knees as he cradled her head, her father on the other side. "She's been impaled!" Richard shouted.

"What do we do?!" Luke yelled in response

"There's nothing we can do" Richard uttered in despair

Briana began to stammer her last words. "L-look after my m-mother and little si-sister. They never should have been dragged into this"

Richard nodded, tears in his eyes. "And Luke, I will love you forever. Forever and a-always" Briana spoke before the light went out of her eyes. She was gone.

In an instant, a figure appeared through the darkness, levitating off the ground "You failed the challenge"

"Please, please! Give us another chance!" Richard pleaded

"I'm afraid I can't do that" The figure replied, conjuring up Briana's mother and little sister there in a cloud of smoke

"What are you doing? Why would you bring them here?!" Luke demanded

"You knew the rules. If any of your team falls, then you join them. In death..."

And just like that, they were gone

The figure sighed. "Another team gone... None have completed the final challenges. They always go about it the wrong way... But I think I will have a team that might finally succeed ... in many years time"


Everybody was thrown down from the sky, landing on an island.

"No. No no no no no" Emma murmured. Looking around she saw jungle, endless jungle. Was she on a beach?

"We've got to get out of here," said David

"Guys... where exactly is here?" Henry questioned. If he didn't know any better he'd say Neverland but that was impossible.

"I've had enough of life threatening situations! We're too old for this crap!" Regina whined

Everybody looked around, trying to figure out a way off this island. Wherever they were.

"We need to get back to Storybrooke. Our children are there," Killian begged

"Killian's right. I can't leave them again," Emma agreed

"We're working on that. Remember we have children too" Snow chimed in while she and David began searching for anything that could help them.

Just then a furry creature zoomed past them into the jungle.

"What... was that thing?" Henry said

"These animals are different from our world..." Gold stated

"Nice of you to finally pitch in Dark One. Mind telling us where the hell we are?" Robin solicited

"I don't know the name. I've only heard stories. This place is a test, a game of sorts. I hear you must complete the challenges to get out of here. But... I've never known of anybody to escape"

"Well that's just terrific! Blackbeard has trapped us inside a bloody island, to work together and play a game, and we'll never make it out alive!" Killian fumed

"But why would he want us to play a game?" Regina pondered

Gold proclaimed "Because, Regina mark my words. This is no game. This is a prison"

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