Chapter 2

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"Father! I have word from above, that we have visitors. They are currently on the beach"

"Another family?"

"I believe so. Do you think...they are?"

"That they were are the ones prophesised to escape from this land? Possibly, let's head down there now and check it out"


"How did Blackbeard even get his hands on such a thing?" Killian asked in anger

"Well, you're a pirate. How do you get your hands on anything?" Gold replied

"You caused this Emma. Why would you even take that deal in the first place?" asked Regina in fury

Emma replied in shock "Are you really going to blame me? I wouldn't be pointing fingers miss queen queen, you've destroyed more lives than I can count including mine. If you want to blame somebody for this, why not blame Gold? He's the one who came up with the deal in the first place"

"No Miss Swan, Blackbeard had my dagger controlling me!" Gold defended

"Guys you're not helping the situat-" David tried to interject

Killian stomped up to Gold, pointing his finger into his chest "Then it's your fault, you should have had your dagger under better protection Crocodile!"

"Maybe you should have treated your wife better, it wouldn't have mattered where my dagger was. She wouldn't have taken the deal if she was happy with her life" Gold smugly replied

Killian was boiling with rage. "Oh and you took such good care of your wife! So much so, she needed to kick you out of town because of your deception and cowardice and threat to others!"

"Grandpa, dad-" Henry tried to interrupt, knowing this was not going to end well

This tipped Gold over the edge. He pushed Killian down into the sand. "How dare you. I should have killed you all those years ago"

Killian laughed, rising back up. "You almost killed me no more than 3 years ago!" He punched Gold in the face. Hard. "Same time when you tried to kill my love! Again. Because taking away Milah wasn't enough! Why not take Emma away too?!" Killian shouted in rage as he pounded Gold in the chest

"Wait what?" Emma asked confused

"Somebody needs to stop them" Snow stated

Emma started to make her way over to the fighting men. "Killian this isn't-" Emma couldn't finish her sentence before Regina stopped her. "You really want to get in the middle of a tussle between the Dark One and Captain Hook?"

"That's my husband we're talking about here Regina, get out of my way!" Emma demanded

Regina stood in front of her, making Emma face her. "You're not the Dark One anymore Emma! You really want to get in the middle of that?"

"I can take care of myself thank you very much" Emma stated

"Says the girl who got stuck in an ice cave, another world and was true-loved kissed her way out of being the Dark One. The saviour usually needs saving"

Now Emma was pissed too, she slapped Regina in the face. "Is that the best you've got? This time you won't have Graham to pull you out of the fight" Regina grinned

"Don't you speak his name! He was a hero, more than you ever were"

"He was weak! He couldn't do one simple task and bring me Snow's heart. So I took his"

"You WHAT?"

"And I crushed it"

Emma threw Regina into the sand, beating her as hard as she could.

"Emma stop!" David yelled

"Regina!" Robin exclaimed

Away from all the madness, the father and daughter watched it all unfold behind bushes. "They are... savages"

"Whatever they are, we need to put a stop to it. Call the guards"

Henry watching fighting erupt around him, tried to put a stop to it. "Guys you need to stop!" Then he heard a rustle in the bushes. "...We're not alone"

Then some grey skinned humans with golden eyes appeared from the jungle, surrounding the group holding bows and arrows. "What are you people doing in Senvia?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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