Late to class

12 1 0

"So how old are you, what school did you come from, do you like soccer I love soccer oh no basketball." He asked
I didn't want to reply not seem rude but this kid wouldn't shut the hell up.
"I'm 12" I said
I only said this cause I didn't remember the questions nor did I care I really hoped he'd get the point.

I finally got to see the map and I was sent to SB01. I made my way to my class room when the teacher shut the door in my face there was a note saying
"If your reading this your to late."
I was so annoyed it's the first day of school and I have a detention plus I have to find where to get a late slip.

I walk back into class. I'm grade 7 it's the first day and we are set an assessment witch is due next week harsh.

I look around the class room and I see that cat of Alice in wonderland my favorite movie, not the point it's Billy staring at me with the bigest grin on his face you know that look you give when some one asks a ridiculous question that your dog could answer yeah I gave him that look. I continue  looking around and see at the end of the classroom the tall blonde B**** giving me the death stare. In my family we weren't slowed to swear till we where 15 I'm only 12. If you ever moved to a new school you would know the teacher would assign you with a buddy and that how I meet my so called friends with well not this teacher. I had to find friends my self and good friends not fake friends.

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