The Emperor ( Akashi x Reader )

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Akashi Seijuro .. A well-known name in Rakuzan .. The students' council President , The Rakuzan's Basketball Captain , Ace of Rakuzan and The Emperor ..

You squealed , while listing the facts of your ultimate crush .. Who didn't ?? XD

" Miss [ Last Name ] " , your teacher drag you back to the reality .. " Please pay your full attention in my class " , she warned you ..

" Sumimasen , sensei " , you grinned sheepishly ..

" Apologise accepted "

As if you try to pay attention in her [ subject ] class , you yawned and it's like something hanging on your eyes , easy , you're sleepy xD

" It's fckin' bored " , you cursed and everything went black ..

Zzzzzzzzz ..

You didn't realise that your teacher is eyeing you .. What teachers always do ..

You we're sleeping and ..

" TUKK "

You feel something had been threw to you .. You straigtly wake up .. Wait .. A marker ??!!!

" [ Last Name ] [ First Name ] !!! " , she yelled at you ..

You weakly stand up as you're still sleepy ..

" Sleepy huh ? Just now day dreaming .. What did you do last night ?? " , she sarcastically said ..
" STAND OUTSIDE OF THE CLASS !! " , she pointed to the door ..

I nodded .. This is life

You stand outside like an idiot .. Suddenly , you saw the red-headed boy , which is just a few steps from you , at the notice board ..
Your eyes widened in joy .. Akashi !

He noticed you and he sets his step towards you ..

" My .. My .. [ Last Name ]'s being punish .. ", he coldly said .. " What a shame .. The vice president of the students council's being punish " ..

You frowned .. How annoying and jerk he is but still you love him ..

" Shut up you " , you talked back ..

" What did I just heard ? " he stared at me ..

" I said Shut Up You " , you stared on his red-yellow orbs ..

Wow ! How brave you are ! BIG claps for you !! XD
You're opposing The Emperor

" Someone's trying to oppose me " , he smirks ..

" Like I care who are you "

" [ First Name ] stop "

" No "

" STOP "

" No .. I won't "

" [ First Name ] " , his dark aura , you can feel it's raising ..
" Who are you to oppose me ?! "

This is why the students are scared of him .. He's an Emperor .. Will do anything or even kill who's opposing him .. His bad side , the thing you don't event want to see ..

You're regretting for opposing him .. You're finished !

He's staring on your [ eye colour ] orbs .. You're [ eye colour ] meet his red-yellow one ..

" Who's staring at me , right into the eyes , willing for being ordered by me .. Plus you're opposing me " , he grabbed your wrist and drag you to the president's room , which is his room ..

As you and him reached his room , you struggled to release your wrist from his grab ..

" Le-Let go of m-me " , you stuttered .. His dark aura is stronger than before ..

' I'm doomed '

" [ Last Name ] [ First Name ] , who opposes me .. Brave enough hurmm ?!! " , he yelled ..

" Im so- "

" Just like the others , only know how to say sorry ..What's on that fuckin word ??!!!!! " , you got cut by his words ..

He grabs his scissors ..

You know what's going next .. You closed your eyes ..


Blood falling down to your cheek
.. You wipe it .. Just a small scratch ??? It's weird .. You thought you might be murdered by him ..


Tears escaped from your eyes .. You started to sniff .. You cry ?

" [ First Name ] " , his voice softened ..

You glance at him yet giving a-what-look .. You can't even talk cause you're busy crying ..

He kissed the scratch gently ..

" I'm sorry "

You sighed .. Just now who the one that complained peeps only know to say sorry ??

I blushed by his action .. " Why did you do that ? " , you slowly speak ..

" Cause you're opposing me .. It hurts my feeling .. I can't stand my [ First Name ] talked back and oppose me " ..

" I'm not yours "

" You're mine since the day you know me .. Since you stared in my eyes "

" I'm not yours " , again you repeat ..

" Yes you are .. I know you love me .. It's quite obvious " , he confidently said ..

Your cheeks were being tinted in pink .. •////•

" See ? I never wrong "

You sighed " Fine .. You win .. I love you "

" Love you too , Empress " ..

" What ? "

" An Emperor needs his Empress .. Just like me who needs you " ...


Yooo , minna !!!!
Sorry for the really late update *bows*
I'm busy with the exams ..
Clearly i have 5 big exams in a year ╯︿╰

So do enjoy this minna !! :)

Adios astalavista *slapped*

Updated 2015.9.18


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