Chapter 4(Don't Be yourself.)

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*Dan's POV*

OK...Everything good....Everything cool...Just walk to class without anyone notice..."Hey Lana...""What?!"

"Great speech....Maybe you could help me with mine too sometime...You know...We should talk more often.."Louis talked to me with a cute innocent smile.Am i dreaming?Him talking nicely to the nerd?Traitor!Ugh how could he?I trusted him!"Yeah Sure we could.."i said and tried to walk away but a strong arm grabbed my wrist and pinned me to Louis Body.What the heck?!"Let me go..."i said calmly but i wanted my fist all over his face."Please Lana....Try to understand...I like you...Too much...But the guys will kill me if they find out about this...That's why i have to play their game!Do you think i want to play their sick games?!"Our faces were extremely close.Oh God...This is wrong...And gay...."Let go of me!Fine i understand!Now let go of me!"he ignored me and kept staring into my eyes."What do you feel  about me Lana?Huh....Tell me...""This is stupid let me go!"i shouted and made sure everyone around us heard me.All heads turned to him and he let go of me.Man that was close.So Louis has a crush on her.And he said nothing happened in this Camp two years ago.Huh...Good joke Louis...Now i know your secret.And I'm gonna tell the guys.Wait.I can't do that.I'm still in Lana's body!And i think Louis is a pretty cool kid.He's like my brother...Yeah but he broke our code....Right?Or maybe not...Wait....This is so much harder than i thought!Ugh!I'm so angry and furious right now.You know what?This is so stupid!I give up!I ran outside angrily sitting on the bench."Hey nerdy girl what are you doing here?""Fuck.Off."i said pointing my middle finger.She didn't move an inch.She stood there in shock just like her pups behind her."You heard me Regina...Bye Bye!!!"i waved at her and got up from the bench.Well she deserved it.I was so pissed off i could kill something.I decided to skip the rest of the school and go home.When i arrived nobody was around.I layed on the couch with some chips and Pepsi i bought from the local market.So what's new on T/V?

*Lana's POV*

"Hey man...Come sit!!Over here!"Eddie waved his hands and i took a look at the table.There were three absolutely disgusting boys playing with their food and picking on girls.I feel sick...I have eat with these beasts now.Where the hell is Dan and why he left me alone on this?He just disappeared from the third period.I'm scared here all alone in his body.I can't just walk around pretending to be him!Why did he leave me alone in this?Does he think it's that simple?I felt like crying.I whimpered looking around like a lost puppy with wide eyes."DAN!HEY ARE YOU A ZOMBIE NOW?COME OVER HERE NOW!""OK OK Fine...."i walked to them slowly and sat near Louis.It seemed the safest option for now."Hey have you guys seen Lana anywhere around?""What do you want Lana for?"asked Louis and i recognised jealousy all over his jet black eyes."N-Nothing I-I haven't seen her around and..""Save it Dan!I know you...Do you like her?I mean do you actually...Did you have sex with her or something?"Eddie seemed really worried and maybe disgusted to the fact that his friend might like me.Of course.I'm just a nerdy girl....I sighed heavily."OF COURSE NOT YOU LOSER!I COULD NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH THIS CHICK!YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL?!ARE YOU ALL DUMP?COME ON...IT'S ME...DANIEL SCOTTS...DAN...YOUR HOMMIE!FOR GOD'S SHAKE!"i think i played well because they all laughed and dropped it.I pulled out my best fake laugh but on the inside i was crying."Hey man don't forget the Basketball practise today.It's time to kick some ass!""Yeah!!!"all of them roared hungrily."Um...Yeah sure OK...I want to kick some ass too dudes...."i tried to sound like him and take this sexy and beautiful look he-Wait what?Did i just say Sexy?Beautiful?Omg!Good think i'm just thinking of those things or i'll be dead.I pushed the flirty thoughts of him away and focused on their chat...They were talking about boobs.Yeah what else....Ugh Boys Boys Boys....I hate them.I winked my nose.I've seen him doing it a lot.Yeah i observe OK?I can't help it when i'm bored at math class and he is right next to me.Yeah we sit together in maths.He've begged the teacher to change him and put him with someone-anyone-else.But Mrs.Robbins always says no."Hey earth to Dan!!!Wake up!!Are you in love or something?!"Andrew crapped his hands in front of my face.Now about him.He is pretty cute.Yeah he is "pretty hot"like other girls would say.But just like his friends he is just a player.Those chocolate brown eyes....They make you melt if he reveals his sedusive look and smile.His muscular body is wohoo...AH DAMN...I'm doing it again.I'm checking them out."Im here man!I'm not in love love is gross.I-I just...I was thinking about....The football game tonight!"they nodded excited."Oh yeah it's gonna be Epic!"Louis commended."Is Lana going?!"Andrew sang with a girly voice."Shut it dogs!I sayed i don't like this freaking girl!"i sat up and ran out of the cafetteria.You see even if you have manners and everything and you act like a lady..Like me...If you go to this school you learn to be like them.You are just used to everything.It's never a surprice.Ok f*** this!Since i'm Dan i'm gonna skip school too."Babe!Where are you going?"Uh-Oh...Not HER again!"Home Regina."i spat and left."Wait!Maybe i could come with you so we could have a little fun in your place like last Friday..."she whispered in my ear."What?!YOU LITTLE SLUT!YOU DO SUCH THINGS?!"i yelled.Everyone looked at her and laughed."Dan....You will pay for this!"i ran out and i walked to my home."DAN!OPEN UP!IT'S ME!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2013 ⏰

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