Chapter 2

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Delilah's POV
I scream, and grab the closet thing next to me, and hang on for life. He laughs. A high evil laugh. He's eyes turn black, then he disappears. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!?! I turn back around, and look into the mirror. I'm going insane. I swear. I mean, why buy this giant house? I don't even have any kids for crying out loud! I finish up my make up, grab my clutch purse, and get out of the bathroom. I run to my room, and pull on some clothes. (Outfit to the side, or above) I have a interview at a hotel for a job I want in a business. I want to be an author for horror books. That's why I moved into that creepy house. I wanted something that inspires me. That guy sure did give me a great idea. Even though he scared the hell out of me. I'm probably going to go to the police station after the interview. I grab my winter coat, and head off.
I walk into the hotel I'm supposed to meet him at. I see a man siting down in the lobby, so I walk over.
" Hello. Are you Mr. Jay?" I ask the man. He looks up, then smiles. He stands up, and shakes my hand.
" And you must be Mrs. Popov. " I nod. My husband Eli is away on a business trip. He won't be back for 6 months. " Now, please sit down. I would love to discus your story." I suddenly start to feel real nervous. Is he gonna hate it? Does he love it? I haven't a clue. " I read the book you wrote. I've never seen anything like it before. It's just so dark, and forcing, I think it's gonna be a big sell. I'd love to publish it for you. Also, I would love for you to take a job at my office. As a writer. I'd love to read more of your books. It was a pleasure meeting you Mrs. Popov. Take my card, and you can start at 10:00 am next Monday. Please, call me Johnny. " I nod.j
" You can call me Delilah, or Lila for short." He nods, and walks off quickly. I wonder what's wrong with him? I leave the hotel, and get in my car. There's a note on my seat. I open it up and read it.

Dear Princess,
What a lovely dress your wearing. I just think you should know, where ever you are, I see, hear, and know everything. I know why you really moved here. Why are you in MY house is the real question. Farewell my Angel.
I scream, and look around for any sign of a man that might have slipped this in my car. I don't see nothing. I drive straight for the police station.
" Hello. I would like to report a possible stalking?" I tell the man at the counter. He seems scared, and I don't know why.
"Uh, um, or course. Do you have any evidence?" I give him the note, and he says he'll take care of it.
I decide to go shopping for more clothes. I also get stuff for my empty room, and a few dresses. Once again, when I checked out, the person seemed uneasy, as if there were a ghost hanging over me head. I laugh at rye thought, but that just creeps out the women more. I shut my mouth and mumble thank you. I rush out of that place, San have some people ship off the furniture I bought. When I tell them the address, they all stop what they are doing, and they all turn a pale color. Even the Indian dude. Then as fast as that came, they acted like they didn't hear a thing.
After I get home, I collapse on my bed, and just stare at the ceiling. I decide to change out of my dress, and pull on some exercising shorts, a plain T-shirt and hop in bed, and fall asleep.
I'm walking in a hall, I see people. But they don't look ok. They all look crazy. Some are moaning, others are making noise. There's this one boy though. Can't be much older than me. I look at his blue gown, and it has words. It says: Harry Styles, floor 4. Insane isle. Then I look at my gown, it says my name, but my old last name. Delilah Denis. I don't know why I'm here, I'm not insane! An officer drags me towards the boys cell, I scream, begging him to let me go. He stays quiet, and locks me up with the boy. The boy looks at me. And smiles.
" Hello Princess." Then.. I wake up.
I'm all sweaty, and my sheets are all crumpled up. I look at my alarm clock, it says 3:30 in red digits. I get out of bed, and walk to my bathroom, and turn the lights on. I see another letter on my sink. It's the same handwriting as before.
Dear princess,
You now know my name. I know yours. I'm the angel of darkness, your the angel of the light. I can control you, I make people fear you. I am your demon, and you are my angel. You are mine.
Ok. Now I'm really freaked out. This guy must really be insane. I think I might check in with the hospital. I think I remember his name. Was it Henry stiles? Wait, no it was Harry Styles. I walk over to my computer, and search up his name, and the town. I get a lot of articles. Most of them were about things he had done. One article caught my attention.
Recently Harry styles is in the hospital for the insane for unspeakable things he's done. Our research goes further on at what could he have done so bad. I quote what Harry told us,
" I'm a demon, I've done bad things. I have done something very bad, worse than all things I've done. I can't say what it is, but once I die, all hell will break loose. Who ever moves into my house will be haunted for life, until they trade a soul to the devil. I may be a demon, but I'm still an angel. The Angel of darkness. "
I've heard of that before. Trading your soul to the devil. I never believed in all that spiritual, ghostly stuff. Yup. That guy is insane. He must have escaped the hospital. Either that, or he tricked the nurses into thinking he was sane. I decide to ignore it all, and get back in bed. I lay down, and sleep until morning.
At 11:00 am I get a text from one of my new friends.
Jason- Hey, want to hang out with Ashley and me for lunch? Meet me at Nando's at 12:00 pm. See ya.
I decide to text back. Me- Sure I'd love to. Meet you there. I put on my new panda shirt, and black skirt. I grab my purse and head out to Nando's. When I get there, I look for a head of blonde hair. When I spot him, I wave and sit down. We've been chatting online for a long time. This is my first time meeting him, and his girlfriend. When I get down, my phone rings. I answer.
"Hello? "
" Hey Lilah, it's Eli. " I can here the smile in his voice. I mile too.
" Eli! Hey! How's it going up in Ireland?" I giggle, i missed Him so much. " I missed you so much!"
He laughs to. "They are letting me out early. I broke my nose, but it's no biggie. " I gasp.
" Well I'm glad your coming home. Well I've got to go. I love you! Bye!" I wait till he says love you too then hang up. " Sorry about that." I nervously giggle.
" Nah, it's ok. Was it your boyfriend?" I laugh.
" Haha no, it was my husband. " he nods, then looks at Ashley. " You must be Ashley." I smile, and go to shake her hand. Instead she stands up, gives me a hug. I giggle at her sudden friendliness.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Delilah. " We all talk for a good 30 minutes, and eat lunch. I pay for mine, and Jason pays for his, and Ashley's. I get up to walk out of the restaurant, when I hear obnoxious laughter. I turn my head to a blonde boy, and blue eyes. When he talks, he sounds Irish. He catches my eye, and smiles.
" Hi! Why don't you come over here? " he waves his hand, so I go sit down. There are two other guys sitting at the table. " I'm Niall." The one with blonde hair says.
" Nice to meet you, I'm Delilah. And who might you too be?" I ask the two brunettes.
" I'm Louis. Call me Lou." He has the biggest grin I've ever seen.
" I'm Liam. Nice to meet you." He seems shy, and sweet. " Now, why don't you tell us what your doing all alone?" He asks me.
" Oh, I just met some friends, and I have to go to the airport to meet someone. So I probably should go. Bye! Hope to see you all again!" I wave.
" Oh! By the way, I totally love your panda shirt. " Niall says. I giggle, and say thank you. Then I head of to the airport. I decide to take the highway, I'm late, and it will be quicker. I drive by many gas stations, but one caught my attention. I needed gas, so I pulled in. The sign says 'Styles' Gas' i pull up into a pump, and put gas in my car. Then I get back in the care, and drive off. I look in my rear view mirror, and what I see makes me scream. The same curly head boy, stands there. This time his eyes are a forest green. He smiles, and waves. I hear the words come out of his mouth.
"Hello Princess." Then he disappears. I shake my head, San drive to the airport. I get there in a matter of 10 minutes. I sit down in the waiting room, and wait for Eli. A cold pair of hands rest on my shoulders. I lean my head back, and see Eli. I smile, and he leans down to kiss me. I kiss him back. I open my mouth, and his tongue battles with mine. When I open my eyes,I see green orbs staring right back at me. Then I realize, Eli has blue eyes, and short blonde hair, not long dark curly hair. I scream even though no one can hear me. He disappears, and I sit alone.
This time, a pair of warm hands are put on my eyes.
" Guess who?" I hear a familiar voice. I giggle and remove his hands.
" Eli! I'm glad your finally here. Let's go home." I pull his arm towards my car, and open the trunk for him. He sticks his suit cases in, and comes around to the right side to drive. It takes 30 minutes to get home, it's 2:00 pm by then. " So. What do you wanna do today?" I ask Eli.
" Stay at home, and cuddle." I shake my head and laugh. " Hey, you were pretty lazy to ya know." he laughs to. I show him where our bedroom is, and we cuddle on the sofa, and watch TV. "I like what you've done to the place. Makes me feel safe and sound haha." He jokes about the color I choose. All black. I cuddle further into him and continue watching reruns of Psyhic. I laugh when Gus falls flat on his face in one of the episodes. Soon enough I fall asleep on Eli's shoulder,
"Hello Princess." I stare at the boy I'm in the cell with. I widen my eyes.
" H-hello. W-who are you? A-and what do you want?" I ask, still freighted.
" You know my name very well Princess. Why, read my name tag. And what do I want? You."
I wake up as I feel Eli pick me up and put me on the bed. He climbs in next to me, and drapes his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I lay my head against his chest, and fall asleep.
All of a sudden I'm walking down a hall. It's the same one as my hall, but it looks newer. There's a picture of a young boy, no more than 16, hanging up on the wall. I keep walking into the living room. A women and a man are siting on the couch, watching television. When I walk in, they look at me, full of terror. Then I realize they are looking through me, as if I'm not there. I look behind me. Two muscled men stand there, each having a gun. I scream, but no one can hear me. I mean, no one besides the boy who walks in the room. He doesn't see his parents, nor the big guys. He's looking at me. Only me. Then he finally notices his parents.
" NOOOO!!!" He screams at the top of his lungs, and steps in front of his parents. He starts praying for the bad guys to go away, but it's not working. Then he starts to chant some kind of evil thing, and the men disappear. When he opens his eyes, they are black. Then I'm in my old house. Instead of his parents on the couch, it's mine. I remember the day clearly. I prayed and prayed for the bad men to go away. I was merely 10, but I tried to protect them anyway. I stood in front of them, and screamed at the top of my lungs.
"YOU LEAVE MY MOMMY AND DADDY ALONE! YOU HEAR THAT MISTER?!?!" I had made a back mistake. I got shot in the stomach. I ran to my little brothers room, who was fast asleep. He was only 4 months old. I picked him up, cradled him, and ran out the back door. Ever since then I blamed the death of my parents on me. My brother and I went into foster care, we got separated when he was 5, and I was 15. Then I'm back with the boy, Harry. I start to cry. I was so scared, of what had happened to that little boy, he looked so sweet, and innocent. Next thing I see, he's opening his mouth, and tons and tons of blood starts to flow out. Then I see my brother. 4 months old. I run over, and pick him up. I look him in the eye, and they're black. I scream, and drop the baby onto the now bloody sofa. I look back at the boy, but now he's not a boy no more. He's full grown.
" We have a lot in common Princess. Why don't you join me? " He starts to laugh. A sickening, evil, blood curling laugh. It sends chills down my spine. He winks, and then I wake up.
It's 8:00 am. Time to get up and get ready for work. Eli is still sleeping on the bed. I untangled his arms from me, and go to my bathroom. I put on my white shirt with a black heart that's dripping, and grey jeans. I pull on my high, black, boots and grab my jacket. I kiss Eli on the check, and slip a note saying where I am. I head down stairs, and out the door. Went I walk out, I notice me stepping into some kind of liquid. I look down, expecting to see water, but instead my eyes meet a dark, deep red. I put some on my finger, to smell it, it smells like iron, or American pennies. Then I realize what it is. I gasp when I realize it's blood. I look around, for anything really. When I look back in the ground, the blood is gone. I hurry up and get back to my car, and speed off to work.
When I get there, everyone looks at me weirdly, and start to whisper. I heard one girl say, " She's the one, she's his Princess." I just keep walking, going to my bosses office. I say hi, and he leads me to my office. I sit and start writing a story. I feel the urge to write about a broken princess. I finish 5 chapters in 8 hours, then I pack up, and go home.
A.N: thanks for reading my book so far! Plz vote and comment, follow me to!
Love Amanda

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