Chapter 2 pArt 2

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I feel like the girl at the bar who's been there too long

Can't stand up!

I should be gone but I just can't get enough, yeah!

Fumbling, giggling, silly as ever I get like this after one too many

But right now I ain't even been drinkin'

He approached me and asked for a minute

Which turned into five, then turned into ten

And right now I don't know how to say when

So can I get a refill?

Refill-Elle Vaner


Eve P.O.V

Me and Ava had just walked in the door,

When a fine ass dude walked up to us.

I swear this dude spelled sexy up to his head to his toes.He looked like the type of man that will have you feenin' for him.He was tall had to be about 6'3, carmel brown,unusual curly red-brownish hair,and hazel eyes that looked like he was looking through me,and he was tatted up.

But, all that got shut down when he opened his mouth and said "Excuse me,ma but,I would like to invite you and your lovely friend here up to V.I.P to chill with us."

he said while pointing to his friend.

I had to admit his friend wasn't bad looking either and I could see Ava eyeing him down out the corner of my eye.They were about the same height but, he was dark chocolate,with dark brown eyes, black hair with waves that were on swim,and he was also tatted up.

But,anyway did this Nigga even think we looked like thirsty ass groupies,No I don't think so.I don't need no help from a man especially not a thug.I just really wanted to enjoy my night with my girl and have fun.

I knew he was about take back his invitation after what I was about to say.

"First,of all our names are Eve and Ava not ma.Second, we were on our way anyway so we won't need your invite,and Third don't step to us like we some thirsty ass hoes, we got our own."I said and walked pasted him into V.I.P.

I could not believe I just did that, but at the same time he had it coming walking up to us like that.

"You know you was wrong for that right."

Ava said to me as we sat down in a booth.

"What?He deserved it.He had no right to come at us like that!"

"Come at us like what?He deserved getting chewed out because he invited us up to V.I.P."

"Okay maybe I overeacted a little bit."

She looked me like I was full of shit.

"Okay,okay maybe alot...Damn!"

"You know what I think?"

"What?" I said

"I think you are taking your anger you have with Jay on him...hell all men! Eve,all men are not the same.Jay was just not the right one for you."

"Ava I know that, believe me I do.Im just so scared.I don't not want to get my heart broken again."

"Eve how are you going to find the right one for you.If your too started to get back in the game.Don't let Jay or any other man take that away from you."

"You know what your right,I'm not even give Jay the satisfaction.I'll be right back,I'm going to apologize."

I looked for him and saw him over by the bar.I walked over there and ordered myself a drink.

"Excuse me, can I have a virgin Strawberry Daiquiri."

"Yes mama,that will be 7.50."the bartender said.

I was about to pull out a ten out my purse.

When a carmel-skinned hand handed the bartender a fifty dollar bill,And said "keep the change."I recognized the voice,and saw the man I chewed out.

"You know people usually say thank around this time."

I laughed and said "Thank you and I apologize for what I said to you.I was angry at someone else and I took it out on you, Sorry."

"No Problem,I understand."

"Okay Mister.Understanding,Whats your name?"

He smirked and his dimples sunked in.

"Chance,...Chance Macklin and my friend over there is Kyrii.

He pointed over to V.I.P,where Kyrii and Ava sat making out.

Then,I heard it.My favorite song Freaks by French Montana featuring Nicki Minaj.

I pulled him over to the dance floor and started twerking.

(FREAKS!Freak some gyal a freaks a di week some gyal.

FREAKS!Freak some gyal a freaks a Di week some gyal.)

I loved this song and I was putting on a good show as usual.I must've doing a good job too,because I felt something very hard poking me in my ass.

(Shorty coming over gonna bend it over.Let me plank on it.Put a drink on it,Heard you a freak put ny name on it.)

"See what you did!Ma,don't start nothing you can't finish!"

He said after the song ended, re-adjusting himself,and I fell out laughing.

"Oh you think this is funny,I'mma get you."

Sure Thing by Miguel came on,and he asked

"May I have this dance??"

"Yes you may"I replied,and we started to slow dance.

(Love you like a brother.Treat you like a friend.Respect you like a lover.)

As we swayed to the beat,and stared in each other eyes.He sang the lyrics to me.He wasn't even half bad,he was actually good.

(Even when the sky comes falling.Even when the sun don't shine.I got faith in you and I.So put your pretty little hand in mine.Even when we're down to the wire baby.Even when it's do or die.We can do it baby simple and plain.Cause this love is a sure thing)

After that,I can't even tell you kissed who first.All I know that his lips were on top mine,and I swear I felt a instant connection as soon as our lips met.

I felt like this was a scene in some movie.I could not believe this was reality.I never felt this way for someone,but this just felt right.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi guys♡♥♡♥·♡♥♡♥

Sorry for the wait.I had alot of crap to do.

But,anyway Please vote,comment,and follow.

I want to try something.

If you guys give mii 5 votes and 1 comment

I'll update as soon as you pass it.

Bye,Love you guys!!!


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