Extraordinary - Peter Pan

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Hey! This was requested, but the person who requested it would rather stay anonymous :D BTW, I'm so sorry I couldn't get this up until now; I hope you enjoy it!


The music flowed through your veins, your entire body moving in time to the complex beat, your eyes were closed and you just let your body do what felt right - a hip-swish here, an back flip there, it didn't matter to you; you just loved music.

"Hey!" your mother's voice interrupted your dancing, and suddenly the room was silent - she had turned your music off. "Chantel, it's dinner time. Hurry up and come set the table!"

"But mum!" you whined, throwing your hands in the air in a protesting gesture. "The dance competition is in three days; I need to be completely and utterly ready for it!"

"No," she disagreed, firmly shaking her head. "You need to come and do what I asked, young lady. Now, no arguing."

The minute your mother left the room, closing the white door behind her, you let out a groan, throwing yourself back on the old but comfortable sofa.

I wish there was a place where no-one could tell me what to do, you thought to yourself. I wish there was a place where I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. You know what?I believe that there is a place like that, I just have yet to discover it.

Then there was a bang at the door, and your mother was yelling at you for taking so long and not setting the table. 


"Stupid." you muttered to yourself, blinking away tears that stung your eyes and made your throat uncomfortably tighten. "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

After a long, tension filled conversation at the dinner table, your mother had announced that you were grounded for two months. You had reminded her of the dance competition in three days, and she had replied simply with,"I know." Which resulted in an all-out row between you and your parents.

You wiped furiously at your eyes, throwing yourself back on your bed. At this moment in time you hated your parents, both of them, and wanted them to know it. So you did the only thing you could think off. You thought to yourself, I hate you.

You then closed your eyes, breathing deeply, and imagined your mother standing in the kitchen, washing the dishes. Then you projected your little message (I hate you) and imagined it popping into your mother's head.

And it did.

Keeping your eyes closed, you heard your mother gasp, and heard the 'clang' of a plate being dropped into the sink. You opened your eyes and laid back on your bed, thinking about what you had just done - you had sent a telepathic message to your mother.

Ever since you were little, you had had that certain little talent, and no-one but yourself knew about it. You often sent cute little messages to your grandparents, who lived over forty miles away, and saw them in your head, smiling and laughing at the messages which they no doubt thought they had conjured up themselves. 

Why you had this power? You had no idea.

Not bothering to change out of your skinny jeans and mint green belly top, you simply just drifted off to sleep, pictures of a place where you could be forever young and do whatever you wanted coming to your mind.


When you woke up, you were cold, So, so cold. Rubbing sleepily at your eyes, you sat up; only to throw yourself back down again at the sight that greeted you.

You were lying on some sort of pebble beach, the little stones making you uncomfortable and sore, and all around you was either a long body of water of a seemingly infinite forest. Your breath caught in your throat as the water began to ripple; something was coming to the surface.

Slowly a head broke the surface of the water, then glowing green eyes latched onto yours, then the whole upper body was exposed to the cool night air - it was a mermaid? 

"I'm dreaming." you gulped as the mermaid began swimming closer and closer to you, causing you to back away from the edge of the water. You didn't know why, but everything in your body seemed to scream, stay away! Danger, danger! "I have to be dreaming."

"Oh darling," purred the mermaid, pulling herself out of the water and onto a rock. "You're not dreaming. Go ahead, pinch yourself."

You did exactly that, twice, but didn't wake up from whatever nightmare this was. "Where am I?"

"Where you wished to be, girl."

"I wished to be in a place where I could be eternally young." you recalled. "I wished to be in a place where no-one could tell me what to do. But where exactly is that?"

The mermaid replied in a sing-song voice. "If I told you, my child, you wouldn't believe me."

"Try me." you said, lifting your head slightly. "I've appeared in some unknown location in the middle of the night. I have telepathy skills, have done since I was about four. Do your worse, mermaid."

"Fine, fine." she rolled her eyes in a playful manner, leaning forward as if she was about to tell a really good, or scary, story. "You're in Neverland, girl."

Before you could even gasp at the new information, an arrow came flying out from the trees and hit the mermaid in the head, causing her to screech and flop back into the water, sending the trees and evil glare before disappearing in the crimson water.

Your head whipped round to face the dark trees, and you crept slightly closer, peering into the darkness for any signs of life. "Hello?" you called. "Who's there?"

Suddenly a hand shot out of the darkness and latched around your waist, causing a girly squeal to rip from your throat. You squirmed, kicked and threw blind punches, but it was no use, how were you supposed to land a good hit on a target you couldn't even see?

"Be quiet, girl." hissed a male voice. "If Pan didn't seem to think you were so important, I would have left you hear to die. Shut up!"

That's when something came crashing down on your head, sending you soaring off into oblivion. 


Sorry that Pan hasn't yet made an appearance guys

He will definitely be doing so in *drum roll* Part Two!

Thanks for reading!


Peter Pan/Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now