Cougar News

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Hey everyone,

Cougar 2!!!

Just let it soak in a minute...

I've been thinking about writing a sequel. ...  *(I can hear the celebratory screaming in my head already) Yaaay!!

But, there is a catch...

1. Cougar Boss needs to meet the criteria of 1.5 to 2 million reads.

2. I need my initial readers who read everything as soon as I posted in Cougar Boss to be patient with me... you guys were so eager and I loved it, I'm not complaining but I'll need a little more time with the sequel.

3. This sequel needs to be better than the first book, so it'll take time, effort, energy, everything I have in me to make you all feel deeply, if not more, as you felt through the journey of the first book. So again, time and patience.

4. Just the love and support... Check out my gxg Goldie award finalist published book, Cresswell Falls. Get an E-book copy from amazon for only $6.00.  After Sunset, my second book is coming out in August 2016, published by Regal Crest Enterprises, you guys should check out the awesome lesbian fiction they publish. Talk about AWESOME!!

5. Cougar Boss!! Give me ideas for the TITLE of the SEQUEL!! Try and use Cougar in the title.

6. Cover book ideas are highly welcome. My email address is please feel free to send me images of the sequel cover book with a title of your choice or just the image.... I'll use the one I like best as a cover for it.

7. Let's have fun :-)

Enjoy reading. And remember, I answer to anyone who comes calling, or well, talks to me. So feel free to inbox me, I'm here.

All my love, Kerry.

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