Chapter one: A silly wish

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Reina's POV

I am sick of this. I mean there's only so much........*twitch*........... I can take. "COULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!!!!!" I yelled to my annoying friend, Alice.

"But I .....I ....... I wanna play ~" she whined. Ugh. "What are you? Five!? Pull yourself together, woman" I commanded. I mean you wouldn't sound jolly after a really loooooooooooooooooooooong day in the clutches of hell a.k.a school ......especially with the walking lollipop standing right next to you *cough*Alice*cough* *cough*.

"Oooooooooh. Look at that. It's so pretty" said the oh-so-jolly Alice, pointing toward some random pigeon.

............................ I rest my case

"Alice I'm going home 'kay. See ya tomorrow" I said walking away from Alice ............ who was still admiring the pigeon? '-_-*sigh*

I started walking toward my house in a rush. I mean I am so not going to be late for a Naruto marathon. NARUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!. I love that anime with a passion. A PASSION I say.

As soon as I got home I threw my bag on the floor, pulled out my I pod and connected it to my computer. Now what episode to watch .......................... how about right from the beginning.

And so I put on the first episode and began watching.

Time skip~

This is so sad. I mean why did Haku and Zabuza have to die. I really liked those guys. Then again I like a lot of people from Naruto. Especially the main character himself. I mean his so adorable. And in shippuden his a total to-die-for hottie. *fangirl squeal*

I checked the time on the digital clock beside my bed and realized







HOLY FUDGE NUGGETS!!!!! IT'S ALREADY 00:57. I better get to bed. I turned off the computer, grabbed my I pod and jumped into bed.

You know. I always wondered what it would be like to live in the naruto world. I'm pretty sure it would be awesome.

Well then. I wish to go to the naruto world. And with that silly wish I drifted of into darkness.


Sorry 'bout the short chapter. Promise to make the other one's much more longer. Thanks for reading.




Love you guys.

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