Untitled Part 1

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I kept it exactly the same so sorry if its a little/a lot confusing

Harry Potter, the savior of the wizarding world, lay on his bed at the Dursley's trying to recuperate from the latest punishment at his uncles hand. Somehow his uncle had found out that Sirius had died during Voldemort's attempt to gain possession of the full prophecy and decided to give him an early "birthday present".

Turning his head, Harry glanced at the old, nearly broken clock on his bedside table to check the time.

'What a way to bring in a new age.' Harry thought realizing it was a few minutes until his birthday.

Shutting his eyes Harry tried to go to sleep knowing he had to be up in six hours to cook for his 'family'. Rolling onto his side Harry groaned at the pain that ran through his side. Moving onto his back Harry gave a forlorn sigh before trying to move onto his other side with the same results.

'I hate my life.' Harry thought as more pain ran through his body.

Hearing a tap on his window Harry looked up and spotted a gray owl. Carefully, Harry stood up and shuffled over to the window trying to ignore the pain. Slipping the window open, Harry reached through the bars and untied the letter tied to the owl.

"I'm sorry I don't have any treats I can give you." Harry whispered patting the owl on its head.

Giving a hoot the owl nipped gently at Harry's finger then turned and flew back to where it had come from.

Watching until it was gone Harry then walked back to his bed and dropped down onto it. Flipping open the letter Harry started to read the letter.


'This letter has been spelled to deliver to you the minute you wake on your sixteenth birthday.

As you should know is that a witch and wizard is considered an adult at the age of sixteen and you can now preform spells legally without repercussions from the ministry.

Along with this letter is a copy of your birth certificate from your medical records and a copy of the vaults you will now have possession of from Gringotts. (To take possession of those vaults you will need to visit Gringotts in your spare time.)

Also you are now able to take your test to be able to legally apparate. So stop by the ministry at a further date to take your test.'

Have a wonderful day.

Catherine Dally,

Department of Reminders.

Ministry of Magic.

"Sixteen? Dumbledore told me that it's nineteen when you're considered a fully matured wizard." Harry said to himself staring at the parchment in his hand.

Feeling the other two letters he had received Harry set aside the letter he had just read and his birth certificate so he could read the letter from Gringotts.


For reaching Wizarding Maturity you now have possession of the following vaults:

Vault 263- Harry Potter's school vault.

Vault 789- Sirius Black (deceased) personal vault.

Vault 1058- James Potter (missing (presumed dead)) personal vault.

Vault 245- Lily Evans- (deceased) personal vault.

Vault 1090- Harry Potter personal vault.

If there are any discrepancies with your vaults or you would like to know the total sum of galleons in your vaults please come to Gringotts and discuss it with one of our goblins.

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