High School

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I slam my locker door shut. I stand in front of it for a couple seconds. Deciding wether or not i should re-open it and look at the pictures plastered all over my door to brace myself for the worst class i go to every day: History.

I take this class because I genuinely enjoy it. At least at first i did. I liked History. I liked learning how people put up with life in the past. My personal favorite was The Holocaust. I found it to be understandable.

Then at the beginning of Sophomore year, Becca Charlestone  decided to sign up for it because her badass boyfriend, Niall Horan, was in it. He liked History too. But for other reasons. He liked the blood and gore that came with all the units focusing on the wars. Typical for him i guess.

Anyway, Becca was the queen bee. Wherever she went, her followers went too. So when she signed up for the mostly empty class, along came Maya Hunt, biggest fake sweetheart and Harper Brook, bigtime slut.

But that wasnt it. If there were hot chicks, the hot guys who were part of Niall's crew tagged along too. We were talking 3 queen bees, and 5 bad boys total. Louis Tomlinson, too cool to date, Liam Payne, the brains of the team, Harry Styles, player boy, and Zayn Malik, quiet, mysterious, and my hopeless love.

A gentle tap on my shoulder brings me back to the real world.

"Earth to Luna!" Margo says.

Margo Hall, is my best friend. My only friend really. She is medium height, curvy, green eyes. Her long hazel hair hangs from her head and rests  at her shoulders. Unlike me. I am short, slim, brunette. I have brown eyes and am completely average. Not to mention, she is completely opinionated, and loud. I am quiet and shy.

She takes History with me too. Aside from us, everybody in that class is popular. 

As we walk to class together, we pass by Spencer Higgins. Margo immediately blushes. He looks at her, she looks at him. They exchange the usual "hey" that is awkward for everybody.

He likes  Margo. She's hot, smart, cute, funny. How could he not?

When Margo finally brakes  out of her daze, i stare at her, that usual look of fake disgust on my face, then as if it were a script she says "what?!" and i smile at the awkwardness. It is sort of our routine.

Then we resume our walk to class talking about life and how it sucks.


"Open your textbooks to page 157" our teacher says.

I adjust my black knitted over sized sweater so it fits below my shoulders and past my knuckles, then i do as she says.

As she begins her lecture, i look across the room at Margo.

"blah blah blah" she mouths to me using hand gestures.

I look down and smile at my notebook. Today's lesson isn't particularly interesting. We're studying segregation. A topic i learned in the 5th grade. So i begin to doodle. A thing im not very good at. I draw samples of DNA with a red and black pen, my favorite colors. Then, in thin long letters i write " WICKED IS GOOD". Another quote  from one of my alltime favorite book series The Maze Runner.

By the time i finish wasting my time and ink we have 5 minutes left in class. When we are finally dismissed, Margo runs up to me and says," I just saw Spencer!!! I think he's going to the cafeteria, meet me there okay?" i nod, taking my time to pick up my things.

As i walk out the door i bump into someone. My stuff falls from my arms and lands on the floor witha big splat. I look up to see who i have to apologize to and as i look up i realize its Becca Charlestone.

"s-sorry" i stutter.

"God damn it! You are so stupid!" she yells. Leave it to Becca to let the world know all about everybody's mistakes.

"watch where youre going!"

"yeah!" Daisy numbers 2 and 3 say.

I look behind her at the guys. I see Zayn look away with a scowl on his face.

They all walk out glaring at me. I kneel down and begin to pick my things up. It takes me a while since my notes are scattered everywhere.

Halfway through cleaning my mess up, i hear footsteps coming my way. Then, a deep gentle voice speaks,"Do you need help?"

I look up, and there he is, standing in front of me.

sorry its short, i'll update soon, i promise. love ya. Out.

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