Being Controlled

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Yukua glared at Nashi and Selene. She then pressed the button to start their worst nightmares.

*In Selene's Nightmare*
Selene couldn't see anything, she tried to look around. She saw a figure in the distane. Selene ran towards it, and figure turn out to be, Lucy. Selene hugged her, but Lucy didn't react.Selene said confused, "Mom What's wro-" Lucy slapped Selene. Lucy's eyes were not her comforting chocolate color, but were now a bright and unwelcoming. Selene grabbed her hurt cheek and said "Mom?" Lucy glared at her and said "Get away from me. You mistreated your spirits. You even killed the Celestial King! GET AWAY!!!" Selene ran away from her mother, until into bumped into her father. Natsu turned around. Selene said "Dad? Why is mom acting..... weird?" Natsu glared at Selene " murdered the Celestial King. You harmed your spirits. Get away from Fairy Tail. Now." Selene was really confused and hurt. She bumped into Nashi, She tried hugging her and said " Mom and dad are acting are acting really werid...." She felt Nashi turning around, and Selene let go. Nashi said (The Nashi and Natsu and Lucy I her dream not in the story) "Why.....why would you? You even tried attacking me....." Selene was confused, Nashi looked down at Selene's hand. Selene had been gripping a knife, and it was bloody. Selene dropped knife, shocked. Natsu, Lucy, and Nashi, surround Selene and kept telling her to go away. Selene shrank down to the floor, and started shaking, crying. Any hope Nashi had giving her was gone.

* Nashi's Nightmare*

Nashi nothing black. She called out "Selene are you out there?" But there was no reply. She then saw a building in front of her, it was the guild. She tried to walk through the door, but all of the sudden the guild started to break down and everyone screed trying to get out.Nashi saw that it was burning she looked down and realized it was her who caused it. "No." She whispered. "Nashi!!" She heard a voice behind her. It was Natsu. Natsu yelled at her. "YOU! WHY WOULD YOU EVER HURT FAIRY TAIL, YOU MONSTER!!!" Nashi was shocked and said " what's going on I would never-" Natsu try to come up to her, then had a pained look on his face. "Dad what's wrong?" She looked to see her fist was plunged into his stomach. Nashi gasp and ran to his side. "Dad?" Natsu looked over at her"YOU destroyed Fairy Tail, killed Igneel, and now me. What is wrong with you? Why?" Natsu's eyes started closing. "Dad!" Nashi said as tears came down her cheeks. "Please! I didn't do this!" She then heard chanting behind her, it was Natsu, Igneel, and all of Fairy Tail saying "Monster! Monster!" Nashi heard the chanting over, over , over and over. Nashi covered her ears, with her bloddy hands, that were now shaking. She cried.

*Back at the guild*

Natsu waved to everyone and went home with Lucy, and F Nashi and F Selene. He got in bed then bad a dream, about Nashi and Selene being torchured by Zeref. He woke up realizing it was dream. Just to make sure he got up from his bed and went into Nashi's room. She was still there sound a sleep. He went into Selene's room, same thing. He went back to sleep thinking it was just a bad dream, he just don't know it was real.

*Back at Zeref's Layer*

Zeref smriked as the two girls wimpered in fear. He then had enough of their fear collected that with just flick of his wrist, he was able to wipe out all of their memorys. He then replaced them with new ones. Ones that say he is their best friend and Natsu and Lucy killed their parents.

Natsu asked F Nashi if she wanted to go on a mission with him. F Nashi did not want to be suspicious so she went ahead. When they exited the guild Natsu asked "Hey Nashi can I have some of your fire" F Nashi panckiced a little "Uh um S-Sure" she then threw her hand and flames came through the air. Natsu ate it.' I actually was able to pull it off' She thought to herself. But then Natsu behind her grabbed arm and said angrily "Who are you really?" F Nashi was surprised.F Nashi smiled "I guess one of you dumb fairy's finally figured it out. Well that's too bad though, because your too late!" She laughed then change into her true form. Natsu glared at her "What do you mean?! Where are my daughters?!?! The girl laughed "Zeref took them and made fakes so you wouldn't notice and he tortured them until they broke down. Their memorys have been erased and filled with new ones." She chuckled "All those dreams you had Mr. Dragneel, were actually the real thing." She laughed miraculously Natsu glared in anger, his eyes started glowing red. He yelled "FIRE DRAGON SECRET ART: DRAGON RAGE" A flame the contained all if Natsu's anger was thrown at the girl. She smiled "its pointless now!" She disappeared and was back in Zeref's Layer.

Zeref looked at the two girls. "You ready to destroy Fairy Tail?" He glanced at Nashi and Selene.
Nashi said nothing, but nodded. She was ready to avenge her parents death.
Selene grabbed her whip and keys.She looked towards Nashi and said " For our parents, we'll take Fairy Tail down." Nashi smiled and stuck her arm out wrapping herself in Flames "They have no idea what's in store for them." They followed Zeref and stood in front of the guild. Zeref said to them all. "Now Nashi, so they don't get suspicious we should have fake names." Nashi nodded "Mine will be Tana." Selene said "Luna." Yukua said "lilaka." And Zeref said "Devon"

(I don't know, I just made up random names x3)
Nashi opened the guild doors. It was strange though because she felt like she's walked through here a billion times, almost like it was..........home. She felt like she's seen these people before but hasn't. She shook her head. 'Werid' she thought. Nashi looked at the man with blue hair. "Macao" she blurted out. 'How do I know his name?" Selene said "I'm Luna, this is my sister Tana, and these are out friends, Devon and Lilaka." Macao said while sipping his beer "Well we can't just let total strangers in her ya know." Nashi stepped up "Your Macoa right? We are friends with Natsu, and Lucy Dragneel."I'll have to confirm that with them." He said. Nashi nodded. Natsu and Lucy stepped outside to talk with some kids , who said they knew them. Nashi took off her clock "Remember us?" She said angrily.

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