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**People were requesting on my one shot of Percabeth for more haha. And I find that sweet, so I'll write another part to it. I might not be as good as you guys thought the first one was, because, really, I didn't know what else to write. This is a continuation of the end of Mark of Athena. Can't wait til Son of Hades comes out!! So.. Here I go. I hope you guys enjoy!! Leave comments and vote if you think my writing is worthy of it :)

"Percy!" Annabeth cried. You heard her heart break by the sound of her voice. She was gasping. "Percy!" she screamed again, her shrieks ricocheting off the walls of the Tartarus pit. They have been falling for almost five minutes now.

Tears blurred Annabeth's vision, not just because Percy and her were falling into Tartarus, but because the force of the wind and the dirt in her eyes hurt. She desperately gripped onto Percy's hand as they fell, and found his hand was limp. He must have hit his head on the way down, she thought. Through the tears she saw crimson red liquid, which must have been blood, dripping down the side of Percy's head. Some of his dark hair shined with the blood too. Annabeth began to sob even harder. 

All she saw looking down was a dark red, glowing light. She saw no ground to decend upon. With the wind whistling loudly in her ears, Annabeth figured they were falling as fast as possible at this rate. If they finally hit a surface, of course her and Percy would be killed instantly. And Annabeth accepted it.

She told herself that no more tears shall stream down her face. She wiped them off with the heel of the hand that wasn't clutching Percy's and tried to keep herself composed. If she was going to die, she wanted to die with pride, especially since she was going to die with Percy.

It took all of Annabeth strength to pull herself down with Percy. She slowly worked herself from holding onto his hand, onto his arm, and finally, she wrapped her arms around his torso and put her head against his chest. She heard Percy's heartbeat, which was steady. Soon it'd be nothing. And so would hers.

Five minutes later and Annabeth and Percy were still falling. Percy's steady heartbeat had calmed her, and she wasn't hyperventilating anymore. Annabeth noticed the glowing red light she first saw around the bottom of Tartarus surrounded them now, and she figured they must be close. Close to the end, that is.

She buried her face into Percy's shirt and said, her voice shaking, "I love you, Percy. I'll see you soon."

She felt a hand in her hair, smoothing it down. "I love you, too, Annabeth." The voice was Percy's, and Annabeth almost started to sob again. She looked up, desperate to see Percy's face one last time.

Despite them being close to their deaths, Percy's eyes were the bright sea green they only were when he was proudly fighting in battle, or with Annabeth. He was smiling. Annabeth wondered how Percy could be happy now, but she didn't care anymore. She'd die at Percy's side, and that would be okay. That would be fine.

At the sound of Percy's voice, Annabeth gripped Percy tighter. Percy was rubbing Annabeth's back to comfort her. He bent his head down so his lips were against Annabeth's ear. Even though the wind was howling past Annabeth's ears, she heard Percy's calming murmurs. "I'm going to promise you something, Annabeth. And I want you to believe me and accept the promise." Percy pulled back, looking at Annabeth. His eyes were squinted, and his nose crinkled because of the wind and dirt blowing hard into his face. Regardless of the situation they were in, Annabeth's heart warmed at how adorable Percy was when his face was like that. 

"Okay," Annabeth mouthed. She rested her head against Percy's chest again, and felt his lips against her ear a second time.

"I promise you, Annabeth, that we're going to get out of this. We're going to live. I have faith." He pulled away. Annabeth was shocked enough to look up again. Percy must have hit his head pretty hard to believe this. They were falling down into Tartarus, the place where all wicked things suffered for their misdeeds. If the fall didn't kill them, the groteque creatures and people would. Though it was Percy saying this-- and Annabeth trusted almost everything Percy said--she did not believe him. They weren't going to live. And he had to accept that just as she did.


"I know you think we don't have a chance at all," Percy said into Annabeth's ear. "But isn't this silly? All of it?" Annabeth was confused. This wasn't silly. It wasn't silly at all. What was he going on about? "The thought of us dying because the chasm floor just-- broke." Percy paused, Annabeth hearing his breath catch. "This can't be our fate. Not after everything we've been through. Do you understand, Annabeth?"

Annabeth thought about this for a few moments. She didn't know what to think. They had gone though a lot-- more than a typical teenager would anyway. Fighting off mystical creatures. The Mark of Athena. Percy, her and the others coming all this way to complete this quest.

And as Annabeth thought about it more, she found Percy was right. This couldn't be how it was to end. Triumph, and then a sudden downfall? Into Tartarus? No. It couldn't be. Percy was right.

Annabeth looked up to Percy again, and found he was already looking at her, smiling. "I'm right, aren't I?" Percy said, his smile growing into a grin.

This time Annabeth couldn't keep the tears from flooding her eyes. She nodded, instead of just saying "yes" because if she spoke, she knew she'd burst into tears. 

"I told you," Percy said, smoothing down Annabeth's hair again. "It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay, because we're together." Percy bent down and kissed Annabeth's forehead.

Even after all this, they were still falling. The glowing red light became brighter and brighter. Annabeth was almost blinded. She could barely see Percy through the light. Since she couldn't see, she just inhaled the scent of Percy. And despite everything, he still smelled like the sea. And it comforted her.

Percy was right, but how were they going to get out of this?


How should I continue, guys? Can I leave you to the decision, or do you want me to come up with it? 

-Gwen xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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