Too White

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Hanna's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital crying into Spencer's shoulder. What if he dies? What if he loses his memory? What if he thinks it was my fault he got hurt? I couldn't stop these thoughts until a fairly young doctor came up to me. He had brown hair and green eyes.

"Hanna Marin?" I looked up at him and croaked out "Yes. Is h-he al-alright?" "He is in a medicaly induced coma. When he wakes up he may have amnesia." I start sobbing uncontrollably again just like when I saw him on the stretcher. "O-okay. Can I s-see h-him?" "It is family only." A young nurse comes up and sees me and whispers something to the doctor. "But seeing as you are in great distress and his family lives in Montecito we will allow you to see him. He is in room 1105."

I nod and get up walking quickly to his room. I walk in and see him on the bed covered in wires and needles. I continue crying as I walk over and sit on the chair next to the bed. As I take his hand and hold it gently I her a groan coming from Caleb. I see him slightly open his eyes and I start crying teras of joy. He's awake! Then it hits me. The doctors said he might have amnesia. I start crying harder as tears of scenes sadness return as three words escape his lips "Who are you?"

I slowly and shakily reply "I-I'm H-Hanna." He looks at me confused "Why are you crying?" "Because it's my fault your here and now you dont remember who I am...." I look down. "How could it be your fault if I don't even know you?""You do know me. I'm your girlfriend." "You are?" "Yes I am." He look into my eyes and started thinking. "Is your name Hanna?" "Yes!" I almost scream as my tears slow down. He starts thinking again. And by the look in his eye I can tell his memory came flooding back. My tears sopped completely as he said these words "I love you." I started crying tears of joy and replyed "I love you too." "Hey, why are you crying?" "Beause you remeber me!" He smiles and tries to sit up but I quickly and gently push him back down by the shoulders "No sitting. You have to stay laying down." "Okay." He smiles and moves over a bit "Come here."

I kick off my shoes and carfully climb into bed next to him. He wraps his arms around me and I slightly lean back but when I feel him wince in pain I quickly lean forward. "I'm so sorry." I look at the place he was shot and back at his face."No it's fine. Lay back where you were." I slightly smile and look at him. "But it hurt you." "No it didnt. Even if it did it would be worth it." I smile and slightly lean back and he winces again but when I go to move this time he holds me tighter and whispers "Stay." "Okay." I smie and kiss him gently on the lips.

He smiles after I pull away from his lips. "Do you remember anything from yesterday?" "Yeah. I ran up to the lighthouse and saw Emily crying so I put my gun down and hugged her but then I saw that guy grab my gun and aim it at her so I stood infront of her and then everything went black." My eyes started to fill with tears but he gently wiped them away. "You saved her." "I guess." He continued to wipe my tears "You could have died..." "Hanna, I'm okay." I slightly smiled and leaned my head against his chest. The door opens and Spencer sticks her head in and smiles. I could tell she ad been crying a little bit. Her and Caleb were close friends. "Hi." She says "Can I come in?" I move my head away from his chest and nod. "Sure." She walks in and sits on one of the chairs by the bed. "Are you okay? I mean other then the shot wound." "Yeah I'm fine." Spencer and I both smile. Her phone beeps and she looks down at it and frowns "I gotta go. My parents want to know why I've been at the hospital all night." I nod and Caleb does to. "Okay bye." We both say.

She leaves and I lean my head back on his chest and smile. "I love you." "I love you too, Han."

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