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"No!" Shy yelled at her father, her and Caleb had come back to her house the next morning and her dad threatened to get a restraining order on Caleb if he didn't leave Hanna alone. She absolutely hated that threat. Out of all the threats she has ever gotten from A, her Dad, or Ali that one was the worst she had ever heard, considering that her and Caleb wouldn't be able to stay away from each other and if her dad found out Caleb could end up in jail.

"Yes, Hanna! If he does not leave you alone I will get a restraining order while your still 17!" Her father yelled back. Hanna's 18th Birthday was in 2 weeks.

Caleb slowly looked at Hanna with a look she couldn't quite figure out. Then it hit her. It was something she hadn't seen in almost 2 years. His guard was up. "Hanna, I really should go. I have to be at school and your father clearly doesn't want me here. Now or ever." He said softly looking directly into Hanna's eyes.

"Caleb, don't leave!" She pleaded through tears, gripping his hand tighter than ever before.

He hated seeing her like this. It hurt him. "Hanna, I have to." He said, gently pulling his wrist to get her to let go, but she didn't. "Hanna, I really have to. Please let go." It hurt him to leave but he had to.

"Hanna, let him go! Who wants to be with a stupid little foster kid? Or be with the person who had her balling her eyes out a few weeks ago because he broke up with her." Her father said. Hanna knows that since Caleb heard him say that then he's going to be upset about it.

"I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE AND NEITHER IS HE!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "Oh yeah and who wants to be living with a stupid little cheater." She started pulling Caleb towards the stairs. "I'm going to pack and Caleb is coming with me."

She looked over at Caleb and could tell he felt like crap now. He was staring at the floor with a small frown on his lips. He sat down on the edge of her bed and she sat in his lap, facing him. "Hey, your not a stupid little foster kid. And it's not your fault that you broke up with me. I was the one lying to you." She said softly.

"No, he's right. I am a stupid little foster kid and it was my fault that I broke up with you." He said, sadly, looking down.

She gently picked his face up and looked in his eyes. "Hey, don't say that. It's not your fault that we broke up. And you are not a stupid foster kid. You have your real mom now and you will never have to have foster parents again." She knew that it might not help but, she also knew that she made him feel better.

"But-" He started.

"No. No buts or ifs." She cut him off. "You will never be a stupid little foster kid. Not to me. Or to your mom, the girls, or Toby. They are all your friends and they will never think that. My stupid dad is just saying stuff to make you feel bad." She said. "And even if that stuff was true, which it's not, then it wouldn't matter to me because I love you." She said and he smiled.

"I love you too." He said. She kissed him lightly on his lips and he smiled through the kiss and kissed back. When they pulled away they were both smiling. She got up from his lap and started putting clothes away in bags. He watched, knowing that she wouldn't want him to help unless it was carrying her bags to the car. A few hours later her clothes were all packed and she had 4 bags. She grabbed the lighted two bags and Caleb grabbed the other two.

She pulled him down the stairs and outside, throwing her bag in the back of Caleb's car. Caleb did the same. She got in the front and Caleb did too. "Where am I driving you?" He asked.

"To your apartment. For now. I'll go home later tonight." She said with a small smile on her lips. She loved being at his apartment.

"Okay." He said, starting the car an driving away.


Hanna didn't have to be at school because her dad called saying she was moving in with him. Caleb didn't have to be either because he was allowed to have another few days off of school for recovery but, he didn't need them. He used them anyway. Hanna had no clue what her dad was going to do to Caleb.

Sorry I haven't updated I was busy. I'm gonna to like a triple update and I'm gonna make a Haleb one-shot and I'm gonna start my Spoby story.

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