The start of this sh**

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It all started when I was in 8th grade (now in 11th). I was dating this boy named Mason. He was cute, Popular, smart, funny and he loved me. At least that's what I thought. So we were at one of his friends parties started at 9 went till 3 in the morning the next day. It started out great. Loud music, lots of socialising, and even a few alcoholic drinks there for the dare devils. Me and my boyfriend decided to try one of the drinks.

Or Two.

Maybe three...

feeling lousy I pass out on the concrete. I wake up to find my boyfriend and this girl called Brittany making out behind one of the speakers. Brittany, the skimpiest girl in school (which made her popular??) caught hooking up with MY boyfriend. Oh no she didn't.

I grab my bag and run out the door in tears.

When I get home I check my facebook and find a photo of me at the party. It must of been when I passed out. Over 221k in under and hour. Thousands of comments calling me things.

That's when I started.

Its like I'm an artist, except the razor is my paint brush and my wrist is the canvas.

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I'll update soon. xxx

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