Disgusting Memories & Who We Are

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The three siblings were walking through the woods after their great hunt. They go to a abandoned barn to relax after that kill. The older one of the siblings was carrying a bag filled with food. By food i mean the insides of the "poor innocent people" they killed. Like hearts and kidneys and some of their muscles. And the other sibling was holding the hand of the youngest one as they both walked beside the older one, laughing and talking about the attack the created.

The sibling are The Valencias'. Two girls, one boy. The children had to run away from their home because both their mother and father were going insane from a mind attack they both were getting. Their parents were not just human. They are a demon and an angel. The mother was the angel and the father was the demon.

When the youngest one was born, the mother and the father were taking care of the new born but the mother was growing pain through her body but most her mind. The new born fell to the ground with the mother. The other two children came down to see what was going on. When the father saw the two children he also got the pain attack. He fell the ground yelling and screaming in pain. The mother was doing the same. The baby was crying. The oldest which the child was 12 went to get the baby from the mothers arms and told the 9 year old sibling to get some items into a backpack. The sibling did as the oldest as said. Getting clothes, some money the oldest was saving, and a blanket for the baby. Once the 9 year old had finish, they ran down stairs and saw the oldest at the door with the baby in their arms. Once the children were about to leave, they were facing their dear parents. They were dead, blood flowing out of their eyes and mouth. But the saddest part they were hand to hand and their wings were out. The 9 year old wanted to cry and so did the 12 year old. The baby was still crying. Before they were about to leave the oldest got a picture of their dear parents. The siblings had run away from home.

As the siblings were going up, they lived in foster homes. They were treated like trash and disgust. The oldest was learning on how to grow stronge and learning fighting attacks. He would teach the mid age one fighting skills and to grow stronge. Since the mid age one loved to watch actions shows and movies, they would get ideas and learn them. Since the children had different eye colors they had to wear glasses. They would go to school but they didn't go. Instead, they would take the youngest sibling with them and they would go to places that no one can see them, so they can practice their flying skills. Since their parents had wings, the kids had them too. It was get hard for them to learn by them selves, but they would keep on trying. They all grew up with horrible people around them. But they would would cheer each other up and they learned on not to trust noone but only family.

One day they were staying at this foster home with older kids. The oldest was 14, the mid age one was 11, and the youngest was 4. The older kids would pick on them but on the older ones. They would get touched and be told to do dirty things and the youngest well they had to watch. Sometimes if they refuse to listen to what the other kids say they would get beaten up real bad. They can't fight back. They were to keep the strength inside untill its the right time. When they would be finished getting beaten they would left to starve and to go to their room. The kids would hug each other and the oldest would keep telling them heart warming things to make them feel better. Sometimes the mid age one would sing a song to make them feel like they were back at home with their mom and dad.

One night, the three sidlings were in their room. The youngest and mid age were laying on their bed as the mid age was strocking the youngest hair so they can fall to sleep. The oldest was leaning against the wall looking at the two on the bed with a smile. But he smile went away till two guys that were 2 years older then the kid had walked in. One of them grabbed the wraist of the older sibling and slammed them to the wall. The oldest wanted to get out but the guy grabbed his glasses and through them to the ground breaking them. They had to close their eyes so the guy wont see their eyes. The other guy went to the bed and hovered on top of the mid age. The mid age was hugging the youngest tightly. But when they looked up at the guy he smirked and grabbed the youngest and tosted them to the wall. They yelped in pain. The mid age and the oldest screamed out the youngest name but another guy comes in and started kicking the youngest. The mid age wanted to get their sibling but the guy tackled them down and grabbed their hair to make them face their little child getting beating up for the first time.

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