Don't tell me these lies
Lies of I love you
Lies of the truth
Why can't you tell me the truth
Lies Lies Lies
That's all I ever hear
Lies of how I am
Why do you lie to me
I know I'm not popular
I know I'm not much of a bad girl
I know I'm not perfect
But no ones perfect
Why do you make fun of me for it
I know I'm a freak
I know I'm no one special
But why do you put me down
Do you like to step on other people with high hopes
Lieing about the truth
About me is wrong
I can put up with being called fat
But I can't deal with rumors
I don't listen when people say she/he said what she/he hit who
I don't listen
It was probably reversed
Lies were ment to help hide you sometimes
My lies I tell is to make people worry less of me
Lies other people tell just turn to rumors
So ignore those rumors people talk about
It's useless to believe what others say
Ask the person that happened to them
So why lie