Quick A/N

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Okayy, so this is definitely a different route of fanfiction that I'm taking here. I'm used to writing more serious fanfiction, so I am already planning on adding some extra drama xD Recently, I've been trying to think of a more laid back kind of fanfic that I could write because my brain is tired from all the thinking involved with my two other fanfics. In the end I decided that there isn't enough Harvest Moon fanfiction out there so I'm going to attempt to write one! I don't know how it will go, but I hope that you will like it :)

As you've most likely already caught onto, the love interest will be Neil. All the other characters in ANB either annoy me to no end or I don't know that much about them. Even though Neil insults the character a lot and people seem to think he's extremely rude, I love tsundere characters and he's really sweet once you get him to open up.

Even if you don't like Neil all that much, try reading this fanfic and maybe your opinion will change a bit. I'll try my hardest to make this story adorable and give all my readers a bunch of feels! *determined*

With that said, onto the story!

Reason for Kindness (ANB Neil Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now