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RATED R for sex scenes:


I was scared. I was walking home from my work at the cafe night, without any money for a taxi. The wind gave me goosebumps, and even as I hugged my maroon colored sweater tighter around me I couldn't shake the chill.

Never have I walked home this late at night in the city since the three months Ive been here. I was raised in a small town a few hours away where we had to drive seventy miles just to go to the mall. I decided to move to the city for a new atmosphere, and see what it's like before I attend college next year.

As I continued to walk down the street, only a little bit of comfort knowing I wasn't in a bad part of the city. Still, you can't trust any one these days.

I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing, killing the odd silence. " Hello?" I asked into the device.

There was no answer. Confused I looked down to see who he caller ID was.

It caused me to smile, my mother had butt dialed me for the third time tonight. She was out with her friends, having gone a little bit more free spirited, since I, her only daughter moved out.

Just as I was about to turn the corner,about to be tucking my cell in my pocket, I felt it.

The shoved caused me fall face down, my cheek throbbing immedietly as it scrapped against the dirty side walk. Lifting my head I watched as my cellphone split into to a few feet away.

Shakily, I turned over in disbelief.

The scene infront of me had me second guessing my sanity. A man packed with muscle and at least six and a half feet tall had a huge wolf pressed against the brick wall. The animals growls tore through the silent city noise.

A third figure, much smaller than the other two ran over. She was dressed turqiouse , tribal patterned dress that didn't seem right in this chaos. My shock didnt stop at that as I caught her face, and became stunned by her beauty.

Her hands rose , and I watched in amazement as light formed from her palms stretching ti'll it covered he beast in the large mans hands.

And just like that it was gone. Burned to ashes.

My head throbbed, my face stung and my tights were stained with blood from the cut on my knee.

The remaining two figures, embraced quickly. I saw the posessiveness in the male as he grabbed her.

" I hate rogues." The young women whimpered.

" That son of a bit-"

"Jo, wait."

My eyes met with her, and I felt the fear ripple through me once more. My shakey legs struggled to get up. When I finally did, I began sobbing uncontrollably with the fear and pain in my leg."

" Hold on." The girls voice yelled.

" Please.." I whimpered, backing into the wall, feeling my heart pound against my chest.

"Hey.. Were not going to hurt you." Her voice was suddenly calm, and her hands slid to hold mine. I let her pull me towards her, calming down enough to look at her rounded face.

" I-promise I wont say anything." I stuttered

" I know..." She said assuringly. "Youre safe , no worries. " I watched as she looked over her shoulder, hugging me to her side.

" Jo, I want to bring her home. Heal her."

Jo, the big guy nodded, his handsome features watching worriedly at the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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