Third person POV

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Mello sighed as he watched Near from across the room. He admired the small, frail boy from afar. But when he got close he pretends to hate the boy so that no one would know how he truly felt. He would probably get sent to the nut house, falling in love with someone who doesn't care for him, for anyone or thing, emotionless. Near looked over at him and Mello avoided his gaze. He had to keep his feelings a secret. He didn't want to be rejected.

Near couldn't focus on his puzzle. He looked over at Mello, he wished that just once there eyes would meet. But he knew they wouldn't because Mello never looked at him, or thought of him. Only when he would be yelling words of hate at the poor boy. Near tried to finish his puzzle but he couldn't, he let out a frustrated sigh. Which was let out in his same monotone voice. He couldn't express his feelings. He didn't know how to without being hurt.

At the same time both boys thought.

'He'll never love me, I'm not good enough for him. But he'll always be good enough for me.'

An: just a really short one. It's like 3 am and I'm getting a bunch of ideas for fan fictions so I decided to share this one. I hope you liked it! Please leave a comment I love getting your opinion on my stories so I can improve. Thanks for reading!

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