New Life

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I woke up to the sun shining through the window, hitting my face. I woke up knowing that I don't have to run anymore. I can finally stay in one place. Zak is very kind for letting me stay in his family home. The Salvatore family has always been so kind at times, there has been dark sides. That is all in the past now, it's a new life.

*Knock knock*

A voice had gotten me out of bed to open my bedroom door, only to find Zak standing there with a bright smile upon his face. "Good morning Zak" My smile came to my face when I saw him.

"Good morning allie, I made coffee. I also made some food, but just to let you know there is blood bags down in the basement." Why would Zak need blood bags? David has no longer been with him. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you have blood bags? When David has not been around?" Confusion showed on my face.

"My great uncle also lives here, stefan." My confusion had went away at this point, and excitement over ran.

Stefan and I knew each other I 1864 he was always so kind. He did have a dark side, but Stefan was always good. "And where is he? I've missed stefan!" I asked with a giant smile. "He's out, but surely he will be back today or tomorrow. Come down stairs have coffee." Zak spoke, while starting to walk down stairs. "I'll be down shortly!" I yelled so Zak could hear me, while he made his way down.

As I closed my door and made my way over to the bathroom, I started my shower turning on the hot water. I undressed and stepped inside the shower, letting the hot water run down my body. I am washing way my old life, now is a new beginning. When I was done showering I stepped out, drying my hair and body. Wrapping the towel around my body, I made my way over to my clothes. Grabbing a pair of blue jeans, and a red V neck shirt. After I was done getting dressed and brushing my teeth and hair, I soon made my way down stairs.

When I finally found the kitchen, I saw Zak sitting at the table drinking coffee and eating his breakfast. "Took you long enough" Zak let out a small laugh when talking, he's just like david. Always making jokes and so happy. "I know, I just love that shower so much!" I giggled while pouring myself a cup of coffee. "My showers are pretty awesome." I could tell he got a smirk on his face when he said that. "They truly are! So what are your plans for today zak?" Trying to make conversation.

"Well I have a founding meeting soon." I could tell the he wasn't so happy about that. "Has the vampire Council been stopped yet?" I asked with hope to hear a good answer. "Honestly, no. There's a new vampire in town, and they have been killing and attacking people. The council has told everyone it has been animal attacks.. but it's not. I already asked stefan, it's not him." Confusion came to my face. A new vampire? "Well I know what I'm doing today. I'm going to find this new person. See you later zak!" I walked out of the room.

*Mystic Grill*

I walked into the grill, and made my way over to the bar. Getting a drink will surely help my thoughts of feeding. "Waiter! One bourbon please." I got the man's attention as he already gave me a glass. I compelled him to leave the whole bottle. My throat was starting to burn, my gums starting to ache making me want to feed. After a couple glasses I got up and left towards the woods. Seeking an animal to sink my teeth into, to help myself. Soon I made my way into the woods, waiting making no sound. A bunny came out of an old oak trunk, I waited then attacked.

As I sunk my teeth into the rabbit, I let the blood flow down my throat. My body started to feel better as I feed.


I dropped the dead Bunny to the ground and turned fast around. "Who's there!?" I called out loudy, only to get no answer. "I know someone's here with me! Show yourself!" Only to see a man standing there, a young man. That I know. Stefan Salvatore I said as a smile came to my face.

"Allie?" Stefan had been surprised to see me, a big smile was on his face. Next thing I knew he was standing in front of me, with a heart warming hug. "Wait Allie, have you been feeding on any humans here?" He asked with worry filled eyes. "No, I just got here yesterday. Zak had told me what has happened. I came out here to look for the new vampire, but I got hungry and found a bunny.." I had spoke while moving out of the hug. "That's good, animals are better to feed on so we dont get caught. When did you speak with Zak?" He asked with curiosity. "This morning. I'm living with you now." A smile came to my face.

Stefans eyes filled with happiness, enjoyment he knows that I'm here to stay. We made our way back to the Mystic Grill, we talked for hours. Catching up on old times, not caring about anything else. We forgot all about the new vampire in town. All that mattered right now was our friendship. After hours of talking, we finally decided to head back to the boarding house.

When we finally arrived back home, I walked inside only to find Zak's body on the ground, lifeless. He was gone.

"Hello brother." A man stood in the living room with a glass.

It was Damon.

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