There Coming For Me~

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  • Dedicated to Syazana Louisaznan

That morning i woke up, unsure of what was happening, my parents were out and so was my brother, most of the time my brother is on his laptop or in his room. I didn't like being home alone. I looked outside the window, it was dark, looked like it was about to rain, But the fordcast said 'Sun's Shining' Today. I walked outside, but there were no cars. I was starting to think something was wrong.

I walked back inside and thought i should wait for mum to get home, but then i heard the doorbell, i slowly walked towards it, and the kept ringing the doorbell, I opened the door, and i saw this horable green looking person with an ouder worse then my brothers, And thats BAD! He also had wripped clothes, it was horid. He was also bleeding through the eyes and One eye missing.

I Opened the door and asked what he wanted, he just walked towards me and grunted, i saw a book in the corner of my eye, it said 'ZOMBIES' i can't believe i didn't think about it before, This has to be a prank from my brother, so i walked around him and said "So George, Great Job On The Eye, But If You Want To Keep The Pride Between Your Legs I Suggest You Stop" He just kept walking, so i kicked him right in between the legs, but this guy kept walking.

I ran downstairs into the basement, and found old pictures, i thought to waste time until mum gets home i'd look at a fue. After about ten minutes i heard a creek in the floor boreds, i looked through the hole in the door, there were hundreds of them walking around in my house, they were awfuly slow walkers, do they couldn't catch me.. All though i thought

I Rushed out the door and jumped into mums car, they were surrounding me, i wasn't sure what to do, i looked every where for the keys untill i noticed i had them in my pocket. I shoved the key in the ignition and started it up, i was in such a rush i didn't care about the horrable music mum had on her CD in the car. 

There were a fue zombies hanging onto the car, i didn't know what to do, then i saw my best friend Kayla, she was getting chased down by zombies too, she quickly jumped into the car and we drove, we wern't to sure where we were going. We looked in the back seat and i found a bunch of food, kayla turned around and saw it all, we needed to save it, or we would die.

After about 2 hours of driving mums car started to beep, i didn't know what it was, but the flashing light said 'PETROL' Kayla said "We need to Fill 'er up" i stared at kayla as if she was a wierdo she never talked like that, so we stopped at the servo and got some petrol, as fast as we could, then we rushed out of there.

As we were driving down the highway we saw a car on the side of the road, we wern't sure if any one was in it so we pulled over and beeped, We saw a man, looked about 20 years old, he walked out and kayla opened the door, but then a zombie came up behind him and took a chunk of meat out of his neck, it was discusting, The zombie started eating him and we could see all this blood gushing out of his chest.

Kayla was freaking out she had never seen anything like that, it was a horible sight, We were just about to turn off the high way we were hoping there were normal humans here, we drove past the stores and the parks, there were no one here, then all of the sudden we heard a bang comign from the back of the car, We lifted up the boot to see my mum and brother, "Mum what happened?!" i asked in a worried state Mum replied " HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THOSE GREEN THINGS!" we all rushed in the car and drove to place, i dont quite know what it was, but it looked like and roller rink.

Mum checked for zombies on the inside, but there where none, we locked up the car and went inside.

As soon as we got inside we locked all the windows and doors so nothing could get in, We had brought in our sleepig bags, turned out mum was going camping, we got food from the canteen thing we were so hungry, we couldnt scoff it all down though, if we did we would starv, the next morning when we woke up we ran to the car with all the food.

Soon as we got to the city we serched for some people, but no one was around, george was asleep in the back seat. We decided to go to las vagas, i have no idea why but mum always wanted to before she died. it was a long drive there, there was so many amazing things to see, we walked into a shop it looked like someone had barracated the doors shut, we broke a window and looked inside, it looked like a pub, there was alot of bottles on the shelfs.

We heard a man say "OI what are you doing in here" We were hoping it was a man, we walked towards the sound and this little boy with a voice recorder walked out of the wordrobe, no older then george, Well no older then george mentally. The little boys name was carlos.

We rushed back to the car We all sat down to have some food, one burger each, We then decided to go to a hotel. We all got our own rooms, this hotel was amazing, there were flat screen T.V.s Laptops, Phones, Even Spas, Down stairs was a cafe, but i dont think it was any good.

I woke up the next morning to see everyone in my face, the only difference was... They were zombies, before i could get up kayla took a chunk out off my neck, i was bleeding like mad! but i didn't feel anything, But then i saw my self as a zombie. i dont understand what was happening.

Then the next thing i knew i was in my bed, the family was home and so was kayla, we never went to las vagas and there was no zombies taking over the world... Oh well, i guess it was just a dream.


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