Blazing Love with Chief Keef

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Love in Smoke

"Yo, chief!" A gruff voice woke me up from my dream. My head was poundingand my ears were roaring. I was going to vomit my guts up in a second. Last night was blasted. Alcohol, meth, sex, models. Sex with the hot models while drunk a'f. The whole nine yards.

"Whaaat, you f***ing idiot?!" Why couldn't I just chill for one morning without morons waking me up?

"It's Cindy, brah. She called again" My eyes snapped open. Cindy. The wild heroine addict. Emphasis on wild. Parties were always rocking with her around, that is, once her and I took it upstairs.

"Dude. Pay attention." Bandit, my partner in crime's annoying baritone spoke up, dissipating my sexual memories. Bandit wasn't one to be humble. He'd speak the truth if it got him shanked. Hardcore like a thug should be. "She wants you. She says it's an emergency. She's trippin' harrrd, bro. Blaze up n go, homie. You gonn' need it."

S**t. Why do I always end up with these broke a** b****es that are always emotional and lonely! Ah well. At least she was smoking. Literally. HA.

I smoked a few joints and stumbled outside. It was bright out, so bright I tripped into the road, looking drunk as hell. I lifted a hand above my eyes to shade 'em. I was startled with high pitches honking and cursed out loud.

"Ay, b****! Move!" The driver shouted.

I stopped and flipped him off, nastily smiling. "Chill out, jerk off. Last time I checked, this was America, and you're supposed to let me cross."

"You don't want me to get out the car, homie. I'll waste you. Now move, scumbag. Before I rev the engine."

Impossible, I thought. I already am wasted. Ha. "Oooooh? Big guy, huh! Well, dips***, I got news. You ain't tough, you broke a** lowlife. You move. I'm a pedes...pedestrio....pedestrian."

The driver laughed. "Mann, you so high you can't even talk. You're screwed up enough as it is. If be doing you a favor by hitting ya." He sped away, laughing. Whatever. Deuces, bro. At least I got my swag.

I walked eight blocks to where Cindy's rotting apartment complex was. It always smelled like dead leaves and weed here, man. The smell of nature and the best of the world.

I barged up to her door, surprised when it opened before I could knock.

"Now what in the hell is...." A gorilla lookin' man swung the door open, a tequila bottle in one hand and a fist full of Cindy's hair in the other, making her whimper in pain as her expression pinched up real sour.


Cindy's POV

The man that I had been in a casual relationship was Brodie. He was the grade A gangster of the town, and was tough as nails. So tough that a woman couldn't sweet him up. At first he was nice; complimenting me and paying the tabs at the bars. As we started sleeping together more and more, he got more controlling over me and what I did. He cut off my credit cards, cell phone, and scared my best friend Angie away with threats. I was scared but didn't raise alarm in fear of what he would do to me. And this morning he found out I had gone to a few parties without tellin' him first. I guess his mates were there and told him. This morning I woke up to him throwing dishes and lamps against my walls. I was so scared, and asked what was wrong. He stared at me with eyes of murder and came after me with a fist raised, clenched. After that, he was on top of me. He punched me angrily and I cried, scared of dying. The phone was on in my jeans back pocket and I accidentally but fortunately butt-dialed Kole, or "chief", one of my pals that I hit drugs up with often. His friend answered the phone and was freaking out major. He hung up quickly but heard Brodie's violence over the phone and me crying, yelling "Stop! Stop!" Thankfully, Brodie was too amped on his own adrenaline to notice." He gradually slowed down on the punching, but the swearing continued he called me horrid names and threats were flying out of his mouth. I shut up, knowing that anything I said would only fuel the fire. Brodie grabbed my hair and tugged as hard as he could. "Come on," he huffed loudly . "We're gone. Going to San Andreas for the weekend."

Here's the thing. When he opened the door, still raging, Kole stood there. Brodie looked down at me and yelled "Now what in the hell is this?!"

Kole looked at him without any trace of fear or hesitation. "Get your douchey a** hands off her, you no good bum." His eyes were glazed, clearly. Oh f***. This was not good at all. Brodie and Kole both spit back insults and I eventually was able to get out of his grasp. He reached for my hair again but missed. Kole shoved him away instead, making a big mistake. The last thing I remember was a TV being thrown against my head and hitting the floor with a thud.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2013 ⏰

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