-Together Behind Closed Doors-

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Ray: Hey Chres

Trinity: You can't say hi

Ray: I saw you literally 5 minutes ago

Trinity: Why are you so mean??

Ray: *Shrugs* I guess its beacause I....

Chres balls up his fist. 

Trinity's P.O.V.:


Ray: I..I..I

Trinity: You what??

Chres: Yeah what were you gonna say?? *Giving him the death glare*

Ray: You know what nevermind...I gotta get to class anyways dummy *Starts walking to class*

Chres: Man, he just gets on my nerves *Rubs the top of his head*

Trinity: Guys are very confusing *Shakes head*

Chres: Yep.......(Silence)....Awkward

Trinity: Lets head to class

We start walking and I ask him before we walk into class:

Trinity: Hey, why did you ball up your fist when Ray was trying to tell me why he was mean to me??

Chres: I don't know *Walks into class*

Trinity: (Sighs) *Walks in class*

Mrs.Kelidra: Why are you students 10 minutes late

Trinity: Because...umm...umm

Chres: I had to talk to the principal because i'm new

Mrs.Kelidra: Well why is Trinity late

Trinity: I..

Chres: She was helping me look around the school and showing me my classes

Mrs.Kelidra: Well, both of you take a seat and away from eachother

Trinity: Okay

I sit next to Ray and Chres sits to this girl named Kimberly. 

Ray: Hi, you happy now

Trinity: I would've been happier if you said it earlier

Ray: I'm surprised you even notice me

Trintiy: Why??

Ray: Don't you like Chres.??

Trintiy: I do like him but I have to get to know all of you at one point, we are neighbors

Ray: Yeah

A boy named Tyler that sitting next to me puts a note on my desk. I open it and it says:

Dear Trinity,


Sincerely, Chresanto <3

I picked up my pencil and wrote something on it quickly so Ray wouldn't see and pass it back to Tyler to give to Chresanto. I looked back at Chres when he got it and a smile grew upon his face. I guess I'm going on a date tomorrow night. c:

Ray: So after school can you show me where the gym is for tryouts

Trinity: Yeah sure

Ray: *Smirks* 

Trinity: What you smirking for, yo??

Ray: Nothing

At lunch I ate with the boys and some of the people they met during the day then Alisha and Breanna came to sit with us too.

Breanna: Aye, gimme your orange juice

Some Nerd: Oh...Oh...Ok...Okay *Hands Breanna the orange juice*

Breanna: Mmmm now get away

The little nerd runs away so quick and I say:

Trinity: Yo, stop acting like such a bitch

Breanna: Wtf you talking about

Trinity: The little boy you were bullying before killed himself because of you, now stop bullying people before I have to beat yo ass, I would think that would help you a little but you're just the same old Breanna 

Breanna: Look you aint gon' beat my ass first and second of all fuck you


I was sitting on the patio with my boyfriend Greg at 15 years old.

Greg: Hey, can I tell you something really important and promise not to get mad

Trinity: Umm sure

Greg: I've been dating somebody else

Trintiy: WHAT!!!

I hear the door slam behind me and I see a girl chewing gum blowing bubbles.

Girl: Greg, who the fuck is this hoe

Greg: Aye don't call her a hoe

Trinity:  I'm his girlfriend who are you??

Girl: I'm his girlfriend Breanna 

I stood up and the girl pushed me so I socked her. We fought until Greg could manage to separate us.

Trinty: Im out of here

Breanna: I don't care I'm staying here

Greg: Get out of here both of you

Trinity: Buh bye Breanna the trick and Greg the beast

We both get into our cars  and drive off.

-Flashback Over-

Trinity: Sorry I didnt hear you what did you say *Sarcastically*

Breanna: I SAID FUCK YOU!!!

Trinity: I shouldn't have became friends with you after you cheated with my boyfriend, YOU DUMB HOE

Breanna socked me in my eye and next thing you know a group of people circled around us. I socked her back and we started to fight. Until once again someone had to pull me off of that hoe. Alisha. Everybody spread out after the fight and I went to the bathroom to clean my face. Good thing the Principal Kilmur didnt catch us.

*Skips to the end of school*

I walk out of 8th period after the bell rings and Ray walked next to me.

Ray: So are you going to show me where the gym is?? 

Soon the halls cleared out and it was just me and Ray. He pushed me into the lockers playfully and I pushed him back. After that he held my hand and gazed into my eyes.

Trinity: Ray, what are you doing??

Ray: I like you alot and I know you like me right??

Trintiy: Just like I told your brother I have to get to know you more

Ray: Well, lets go out

Trinity: I have a date with your brother

Ray: Aightt then, buh let's get that one on one real quick

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