It Happened.

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I was walking to school, with my friend Okami Mizu, she's part wolf. She's also a girl, but I don't love her. We were chatting, and I heard a familiar voice shout, "Hey Hitsuji!"

I turned around to see who it was, and there was Meushi. With her other friend, Dakki, who is part duck. I thought for a moment of what I should say, but then I realized, Meushi knew my name! She called it! It happened right in front of my eyes, I stood there blushing, but collected myself. I tried to speak but I couldn't. My mouth wouldn't allow words to come out. But thank the gods for Okami.

"Hey Dakki! Hey Meushi!" Okami greeted.

"Hey Okami!" Both Dakki and Meushi hollered.  Then I finally got the courage to say hello, finally.

"Hey Meushi! Hi Dakki!" I mumbled.

I was glad to see no Neko. Me and Okami waited for Dakki and Meushi to catch up, and we all walked to school together. It was a nice walk, really. We talked and laughed, I even talked to Senpai! I mean- Meushi, more than once! Okami talked to Dakki, and, please note Dakki is a guy, just in case you didn't know. We all laughed at this one joke Meushi said.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" Meushi giggled, ready to say the rest of the joke.

"To get to the other side...? I don't know, why?" Everyone replied.

"To get to the ugly witches house." "Knock knock!"

"Who's there?" All of us replied.

"The chicken."

 Meushi laughed. It took awhile for everyone to get it, but once we did we all burst out laughing. We got to school at last and had to go to our classes. It was the middle of the school year, just to clarify. Spring break was coming up soon, and I was going to the beach with my family, and could bring four people along. I already had it all planned out.

1.) Meushi
2.) Okami
3.) Chikin
4.) Kitsune

Chikin is part chicken and Kitsune is part fox. But anyway! When we got to our school we went to our different classes, I'm in PE for the first period, which kind of sucks. Oh well. I also have PE with Dakki and Chikin, which I ship so hard, and I think Mr. Chita does too. (Our PE teacher) which makes sense, since he is part cheetah. But yeah, he always pairs Chickin and Dakki up.

I went into the locker room to change into my PE clothes. Once that was all done I went out in the gym and waited for everyone to get dressed. Today we had to do 20 laps all at once, which wasn't really hard for Mr. Chita but I know one person who basically almost died during it. Kame. Kame is part turtle. He could only 'run' 2 laps until he gave up. I felt bad for him, and so did everyone else. 

After that we did math, writing, and basically everything that consists of stuff you had to do in elementary school. Even though we're in high school. Afterwards there's lunch. I usually sit with Okami and Kitsune for lunch. But today, I asked Mueshi if she'd like to sit with us. It was a long shot because she doesn't like Kitsune. 

"Hi, Mueshi! Would you like to sit with me at lunch with Okami and Kitsune..?" I gulped. 

"Uh, K-Kitsune?" She asked, scared. 

"Yeah, I promise she won't be mean to you, and if she does... well, we'll find out when it happens!" I replied, cheerful.

"Sure, I guess." Mueshi answered, feeling a bit better.

We all sat at lunch. I got really mad at Kitsune because she had steak for lunch. Mueshi almost ran away in fear. I sat right next to Meushi, and really close too. It felt good to feel her warm leather jacket. And I think she liked my wool coat touching her. I had wheat for lunch, while Mueshi had grass. Okami had fish, I believe. Which kind of frightened the lunch lady, Fisshu Koraru, which is part fish. 

When everyone finished up we all put our lunch boxes away, since we had lunch we brought from home. Then we went to our other classes, like science. Finally school ended. I walked with Kitsune home.

"Kitsune, why don't you like Meushi?" I questioned.

"She's a baka." Kitsune declared, bitterly.

"Wow! Calm down Kit! Why don't you like her? I want more than three words."

"She is a baka." Kit replied.

"Jerk!" I yelled, starting to walk away.

"Fine! You're such a bossy, ugh... nevermind." Kitsune whined. "She is so nice. As if she's a robot, no one can compare to her, she's perfect, no flaws."

"Not true, she has some flaws, like, uhm. She's really tall!" 


"It doesn't matter! Just get over the fact that she's nicer than you." I yelled, walking away. 

And that's when I realized, I think Kitsune likes me.

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