The Beauty in the Beast: Part 6

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I looked at him asshamed,

For I had read the bible and I knew what had done was wrong.

But I was a child of society,

A child of evil,

I hated myself for becoming so weak and venerable,

And he knew it,

He knew I hated myself.

How could he not know?

I was after all sitting there with tears rushing down my cheeks.

He looked at me with a saddened look on his face,

And began to speak.

He said,

"Child do not be ashamed for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

You are not alone,

You are beautiful my daughter,

You are smart,

And you have been redeemed by the I Am himself."

I looked down still mad at myself,

But I did understand what he was saying.

I looked at him and steadied my voice,

As I began to say,

" I'm sorry,

I am a daughter of society,

I am the mess society has created.

I'm so very sorry,

I am the daughter of a truly terrible evil."

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