Wait....Who Are You!!??

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Yn's P.O.S.

We arrived at the Phantomhive manor and it was uncomfortable for me knowing we had a demon hound with us. 'I better tell them about my vision and quick'

I went to my bedroom to pull out new clothing I guess, then I headed towards Ciel's office. I'm actually getting the hang of walking to his office. I reached his office and knocked for permision, he allowed me in and I saw only Ciel......what!? Ugh! I need Sebastian here to!

"Hello young master."


"I wanted to talk about that matter and if possible, can you call Sebastian?"

"Of course. Sebastian come here now." Within a few seconds I heard a knocking at the door.

'Wait!!? That fast!? To be able to hear him like that!? Yep....Sebastian's a demon that is positive......I have to be right'

"You called young master?"

"Yes. It's about that matter." With that Sebastian bowed and stood right next to Ciel. I began my vision.

"I got another vision during the way to their manson. I saw the name Angelica, after the name appeared the three last letters disappeared to make the word angel. I'm thinking the one the Earl introduced us as the maid was really an angel. I just got a gut feeling...."

"So I was right..." Sebastian said as he looked intensely on the ground as if thinking.

Ciel, curious of this he said,"did you know she was an angel Sebastian?"

"No it was my guess since something interfered with Yn's energy source. I was sensing another energy source and I have to admit she was rather carless not even trying to cover her aura."

"Hm....I see....continue"

"Yes of course. I saw what looked like a demon hound on top of the tower of London. It was burning the city too....."

"I see well that is what we have..."

"Yes, I agree we should get rid of it as soon as possible master." Sebastian quickly suggested while keeping a poker face.


"What is it Yn?"

"What if this is the future? Remember, that I can see the future too?"

"Yes we know. That was a possibility." Ciel stating this.

"Yn, here this be a warning, you possess a power every inhuman thing is attracted to. Every one of us will have a reason to come after you, demons, angels, and even reapers will come after you. Do you understand? "

"Yes, I have thought of the possibility."

"My, you catch on quickly, that's lovely. Things go much quicker that way. I'm a little suprised the words reapers, demons, and angels don't faze you."

"Yes well...er....I got used to it and convinced myself there are such things here in this world....considering I know one." 'honestly, it was hard for me to believe they existed...I imaged a demon more....scary and more animal like...'

"You do? Well maybe you should introduce me to this fine and handsome demon that you know." Sebastian smirked once again saying this staring into my eyes.

"... -_-....." I sweat dropped knowing he knew full well of who it was.

Sebastian asked to be excused and was allowed. I decided to go and leave as well and roam around. I walked out of his office and went walking outside in the garden. I love flowers if you don't know. I walked as I stared at the flowers that were carefully planted. I came upon Sebatastian that was petting a black cat, or more like the paws, complementing the cat for such grace and beauty.

I stayed and watched a little longer seeing that the demon hound ran up to Sebastian to rip the cat away from Sebastian's hands. 'WAIT!!WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAT!!??' Pluto just threw the cat nowhere!! >□

Sebastian helped me get him off and I learned that later on in our coversation that he just wanted to distract Pluto from him. I finished my talk with Sebastian and headed towards the garden again.

I roamed without a care, not even knowing where I was going, I stared at all the beautiful flowers. I stared at the white flowers but in the middle there was a black flower that looked identical but different color. I stared at it for a while and heard a unknown voice behind me.

"Sad isn't it...the only one that doesn't fit..."

"W-who are you?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"I'm just a demon passing by stealing an amazing creature such as yourself." He said with a cheeky grin on his face. His attitude changed from sad and lonely to cheery and loud. I blushed thinking of the complement he just gave me...

A/n: hey guys tell me what you guys think of it what part you like! Oh! The guy up there in the picture is a demon that took interest in Yn!! His personality is very happy but is very stubborn and serious when needed.

Kise:Ahhh!! *whines like little kid* Kitty you ruined the story for me!!! >◇<!!

Kitty: what? No I didn't I was just telling facts that were needed to be heard...

Kise: eh...? Really?

Kitty: I want kandy....

Kise:that's not how you spell candy Kitty...

Kitty: I can spell with my skillz becus im good at it. *like a boss*

Kise: you need to go back to school...

Kitty: ●□●NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!*Yells and makes it perfectly clear for Kise to understand* well, till next time!!! ^(*^*)^

What Are You? Ceil x Reader x SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now