Chapter 18

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James POV

She doesn't remember me how could I do this to her... Just because of some girl. I was at home with my girlfriend and you could say I was depressed. We were watching our favorite comedy. Today it wasn't funny, I wasn't laughing.

''Haha aye James isn't that your favorite part in the movie.''

''Haha yeah.''

''You seem a little off,'' my girlfriend Lila stated putting popcorn in her mouth.

''Nah I'm fine.''

''Tell me what's wrong James you know I'm the best listener.''

''Well you know my younger sister Narnia is in the hospital and I didn't go see her now she doesn't remember me.''

''What? You didn't go see her how come I didn't know about this until now go see your sister!''

''I was with you that's why I didn't go see her.''

''You could've told me I would've went with you to the hospital family comes first James you're a horrible person and now she doesn't remember you.''

''I know I feel like a douchebag and I wish I had like a time machine so I could like go back in time and just go see her.''

''You say like too much James.''

''I know.''

My girlfriend continued watching the movie while I had my head in my hands sighing. My eyes began to water. I can't cry in front of my girl I don't wanna seem weak.

''James just cry you don't have to put up a front I know it's hard for you but keep your head up babe okay?''

I raised my head eyes red, ''Okay.''

It's hard I really miss my sister. I want to talk to her but the fact that she doesn't remember me, that probably won't happen ever again.

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