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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while have been so busy!!! Here is your update!!!! Enjoy
Chapter dedicated to wolfgirl906
Patrick's pov
The crowd went wild and we walked forward and took a bow. We walked backstage and we high fives each other. Another tour down. It has been 2 months since I've seen Jordyn. We talk everyday and are still madly in love but I missed her like crazy. It killed me how much I missed her. I was less happy and the band knew that.

All the sudden our management come walking up.

"Hey guys good job on the show. I need to speak with Patrick for a moment."

"Ok what do you want to talk about?"

"I need to talk to you alone."

So I went and followed him into my dressing room.

"Patrick are you ok?"

"Ya I just miss my girlfriend that's it!"

"Ya about that you need to break up with her."

"What why?"

"Because she is bringing you down not to mention the fans don't like her and you have to do what the fans what."

"But I love her. I love her so much."

"Well either you love her or the band. Listen either you break up with her or your out of the band. Got it."

And with that he left. What am I supposed to do. I loved her and the band. I stayed in my dressing for a long time just sitting on my couch. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and say back down.

"Whoa...... What happened to you? Someone take away your birthday?" Pete said very shocked.

"Long story short management said either I break up with Jordyn or I'm out of the band."

"WHAT!!!" Said Pete " No we won't let that happen. If management is ok with me and Julia then they have to be ok with you and Jordyn."

"He said I have to think about the fans."

" well yeah but it's your life. Plus we won't let you leave the band we need you."

"Do I tell Jordyn?"

"If you wan but I would tell her how much she means to you. I can tell she is the one. You can't let her go."

"I'm not letting her go if my life depended on it. I wonder if we can secretly date. You know hide it from management and the public. If they make me break up with her I'm gonna be more down."

"You will get through this we just have to think of a plan."

"Pete you know I'm the saint here I'm always trying to do good here. I'm not letting her go."

"Maybe you should talk to her and break up but still be friends until they see that it made things worse for you but make sure Jordyn knows it's just a plan and that you really do love her and don't want to be with anyone else but her. "

"So you think I should really break up with her."

"Yes and tell her we are gonna hire a guy to be her fake boyfriend to get you all angry until they change there mind!"

"That's a great idea. I hope Jordyn will be on board!"

"She will be how can she not she loves you more than you know. I know this because of the way you guys look at each other is how me and Julia look at each other!"

"Oh when is they wedding by the way?"

"We are thinking around beginning of next year so that way we can tour and after that plan the wedding!"

"Ok cool!"

"Ok so I'm going to tell the boys about the plan. You call Jordyn. Bro everything will work out I promise I won't let you guys break up. You guys are meant for each other!"

"Thanks man. You the best!" I said hugging him.

He left the room am I walked around nervously hoping she was on board. I clicked on her contact and the phone stated

"Hey babe" she said

"Hey baby! I miss you so much!"

"I miss you so much to!!! How are things?"

"Well not so good!"

"Oh no why what's wrong?"

"Well after the show my management came by and basically said I need to do what's right for the fans and break up with you or I'm out of the band. But you see I'm not gonna break up with you!"

"Wow that's crazy. I don't want you leaving the band."

"I won't me and Pete have a plan!"

"Oh boy!"

"Hey Hahha. So we are gonna break up in front of management and we are gonna hire a guy to be your fake boyfriend and when they see that it's only made me act worse the. They will have to let us be together. I'm not letting you go. You mean so much to me. Your the one I've been poking for my whole life."

"I'm not letting you go either. But why are they letting Julia and Pete stay together."

"I have no idea. What I know is that your mine and always will be I'm not letting you go."

"Aww Hahha I'm not letting you go either!"

"So does this mean your on board with the plan?"

"If it means that at the end I get to be with the man of my dreams then heck ya I'm in!!"

"Oh thank you so much!!! I thought you wouldn't be at first. So we actually have to break up but we will be together I promise."

"When are we breaking up? Sounds like a weird question to ask your boyfriend Hahha!"

"I'll text you before I call you. It has to be in front of management!"

"Ok I will do my best to act sad!"


"Well I know we will be together!"

"I know I'm messing with you. Alright babe I love you so much. This will be over soon!"

"I hope I love you so much."

And with that we hung up. I shortly got a text from Pete
Boys are on board plans a go!
I texted him that Jordyn was on board to and he replied with
Ok cool. Plan is a go!!!!!
Well guys I hope you enjoyed that!!!! More to come!!!So keep reading!!! Comment for a chapter dedication.

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