16: Downtown

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Anna and I race to get to City Hall. There was a news report that a robbery was going to be attempted, and a note was found on the Mayor's desk that someone else was going to try kidnapping the Mayor and his 'cute secretary' tonight as well. As soon as we came home from school, we dropped our backpacks in the hallway, ran down the stairs to change into our hero's uniforms. Getting into a navy blue maxi skirt and a loose tee with a gray skull on it was easy, so I has time to swipe two mini Ben & Jerry cartons for the road which we devoured hungrily before parking Anna's car at a Super Wal-Mart. With my white blonde, and Anna's fiery red hair we definitely stand out. We walk across the street, and I scuff my black Converse on the side of the road as I trip off the sidewalk curb onto the asphalt.

"Graceful," Anna comments.

"I try," I reply dryly.

She pouts her pink lipstick-stained lips, "Don't be mean, I'm just teasing."

I sigh and look at her, "My bad."

Anna nods appreciatively at my curt apology. People gape at us as we causally walk by. I notice there are more Anigirl fans than anything else so I roll with it, "Anigirl, people are watching us... creepsters."

Anna looks at me with an eyebrow raised, "They always stare."

"That's why you insisted on doing your make-up? Because- ow!" someone takes a photo on their phone, the flash blinding my innocent and sensitive retnas. I growl at the woman and shoot her a nasty glare.

Anna elbows me in the kidney and smiles at the woman, "We are off to save the day after Chaos took a nap. She's a little pissy right now."

I frown at that full-out lie. We both came directly after school so what was her angle? "I am never 'a little pissy' Anigirl. I am just always pissed off at everything that lives and breathes. There's a big difference in our two statements in case you didn't know," I correct, aiming that last part towards the woman.

"This is why you aren't in the Top 10," Anna chimes, walking past the woman and pushing through the crowd of spectators that gathered to catch a glimpse of us.

"I refuse to conform to our society's ideals! Hence my Gothic nature and my black mood!"

Anna laughs and then we hear the sirens of the cop cars. Instinctively we both flinch and begin to run towards City Hall. The Police Chargers squeal as they park in front of us, creating some kind of attempt of a barrier. I reach for Anna's hand and turn intangible, running through the cars and officers and dodging hands that reach out in an attempt to catch us. The police men weren't exactly on any of the super's side, however when it came to fighting more dangerous villains- villains a million times worse than Phantom and his Brotherhood- then they usually left us alone. Depending on who the Chief of Police is, some heroes work along with the PDs. They are lucky, because in my town that is not the case.

As we reach the front doors, a SWAT team pulls up, but I dive through the entrance, dragging Anigirl along with me. She breathes heavily, tugging away from my grip and changing into a lioness. She bounds up the stairs to the second floor, ignoring the secretary who calls out to us to stop right here. SWAT members open the door, the wood slicing through me. I shiver as it goes through me, not expecting that movement. Just because I am intangible doesn't mean I don't feel what goes through my body. When I expect it, I brace myself for the feeling, but unexpected things make me feel strange.

I cling up the stairs, my Converse squeaking against the marble tiles awkwardly. I hear Anigirl's roar and the suited up SWAT team follows me. I beckon for them to follow me, "Let's go!" I call.

In a long hallway, I stop being intangible and quiet my footsteps, motioning for the team to do the same. "Hold hands," I order as a precaution. They all look at me strangely and do so, "If there are armed persons in there, then I will make you all intangible. There won't be any death today for any of you. Just trust me." If it comes to me actually making the team intangible, then it would drain my energy. I used a lot for Anna, and I am not sure how long I could hold up if I had to actually make full men share my powers.

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