Chapter 15

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It was amazing how seriously the whole ‘train Lilly’ thing was being taken. Lilly woke up to find Hailey waiting in the kitchen for her to begin training her on using her abilities. Even Hailey was excited about it, she was almost jumping as they left the apartment and drove to the beach behind her house.

“My dad won’t care, hell he won’t even notice.” Hailey said as they stepped onto the sand at the edge of her property. Hailey seemed to live on the other side of the bay from Sage and Mason. The houses on this side weren’t as big or as nice.

Hailey’s home was a bungalow with peeling paint and a backyard filled with metal sheets, old car frames and a lopsided shed. As they wandered down to the beach Lilly had to watch her feet not to step on something sharp, she was only wearing flip flops.

“Ok so using your abilities 101.” Hailey said as she dropped her purse and sat down on the sand, Lilly followed, “Everyone has an affinity for an element, and every witch uses each of the elements in their powers. Following so far?”

Lilly nodded once, “I think so. Witches use elements for spells and each witch is better with one element over the others.”

Hailey clapped, “Very good.” She pulled a lighter out of her pocket and lit it. Lilly watched the flames as intently as Hailey was. Hailey looked up at her and smiled before the flame grew. Startled the flame roared bigger and bigger until Hailey waved her hand and threw the entire lighter over her head to a fire pit on the property, the logs lit and began to crackle. “Can you guess what my affinity is for?”

“Fire.” It was obvious the way Hailey controlled the flames. They seemed to grow with her excitement of showing someone, and landed right on the logs when she tossed the fire ball over her head.

“There are four elements that we use. Fire, Earth, Air and Water and each member of the Coven has an affinity for a specific one. Like myself and Sage are fire hence why we don’t get along, because fire is considered more powerful than others the strongest user is generally Coven leader.”

“Then how is she leader?”

Hailey sighed, “Cleo thought she would be the better choice. Anyway, so fire controls well fire. Air control the air and the wind. Mason has an air affinity though I am not sure what he can do with it, he doesn’t tell us. Sean, Darcy and Jake have an Earth affinity, with enough practice and work they can control weather for a short time, create storms. If you ever go to Darcy’s house the garden is intense, she can control how her plants grow where they grow. Basically she should be in gardening competitions.”

This was all straightforward enough but it still left Lilly with some questions. How come she had never seen Sean use his Earth affinity? Could one person be a master of all four? And why was water so rare and why did she have an affinity for it? The life of a witch seemed to be more complicated than one would let on, it was a lot more beyond potions and flying on a broomstick.

Hailey got up and walked towards the fire. She placed her hand in the flame. Lilly jumped up to pull her out but Hailey stood there smiling, “Just watch.” She said. Soon she pulled out her hand and began tossing a fire ball back and forth the way Lilly had with the balls of water, “It’s hot I can’t hold onto it for long but it’s a good weapon if I needed it.” She tossed the flaming ball over Lilly’s head and into the water.

Lilly marvelled at the throw, it was as though Hailey could actually play baseball the flaming ball was thrown so far. She clapped at the performance and Hailey bowed. “Can you use other elements?”

Hailey nodded, her smile never fading. “All of them, just my fire powers are more powerful. I can start a huge fire with a match and a simple spell. If I were to use, say air, I could blow the fire all around me while I use Earth powers to make it a stronger fire.”

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