Love's Worst {ImmortalHD Fanfic}

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        My name is Kat. I don't look like what you would call the normal everyday girl. I have bright pink and bright blue highlights in my hair. The rest of my hair is bright blonde. So my friends call me cotton candy. Because of my hair, and they say I'm so fun and sweet. I also have violet eyes I don't use contacts which suprises everyone. I watch YouTube a lot, I mean who doesn't. I mainly watch these guys called The Creatures and ImmortalHD. I live in Colorado, my family is pretty rich so my parents bought me a big house in a secluded neighborhood. I only have one house next to me. It's some guys who live there. I've never meet them, I have heard them though. Their voices sound familiar though. They are all loud, never go outside to often, so I have not seen there faces.

      I got up from the bed and made my way over to the closet. I changed into my loose pink V-neck shirt that hung just above my waist. In my opinion I looked better in loose things, guys disagree. I changed into my white denim shorts that were above my knees. Then into my bright highlighter pink Convers. I put on my makeup, and brushed the fuzz and tangles from my hair. I quickly ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a cup of coffee and put it in one of those non-spill cups. I grabbed my laptop and started out the door. I planed on going to the café close to my house as usual. I entered the garage and grabbed my keys off the rack. I clicked the unlock button and climbed into my red Ferrari. I started the engine while opening the garage door.

      I backed out onto the drive way, but I couldn't help noticing something sparkle in my neighbor's yard. Curiosity got the best of me, I turned off my car not knowing how long I was going to be. I walked over to their yard not knowing what to look for.

I started searching, then there it was it looked like a silver ring. I squatted down to pick it up. Inside of the ring it said. For the hope that the flower of our love will bloom. It was a hope ring, a really corny one at that. Well I better give it to them, I walked over to their big wooden door. I knocked, " Aleks can you get that." yelled a voice. It sounded familiar I couldn't put my finger on it though. The door swung open to a familiar face, ImmortalHD, he was always cute. He was even more so in person. He had messy brown hair that swayed the the side, and brown eyes that seemed to make me feel like ice on the sidewalk on a hot summer's day.

         He took one look at me then looked back into the house and yelled, " The fangirls found out were we live!" "What!" I heard a few guys yelled. " W-what?" I managed to get out. He looked back at me. " N-no I live next door and-" He cut me off " W-wait you mean to tell me someone lives in that house?" " Yeah, I have lived in that house for about a year now. Anyways I came here because-" he cut me off again " Guys a girl lives next door!" " What!" one of them yelled. " Yeah she is here now." Then I saw Nova run down the stairs. " See James," said Aleks " So," he said in a low mysterious voice, " why are you here?" I giggled, but quickly hid it. " I came he to give this to you guys and handed him the ring. " Woah, we just met." Said Aleks. I started giggling again. Aleks took the ring.  he took one look at the ring and threw it back into the yard. He turned around and left.

     " Sorry, he just went through a bad breakup."  " Oh, he really did love Tiffany." I said before I could stop myself. He gave me a puzzled look, " So you know who we are?" he asked me. " Yeah you guys are the creatures, and he is ImmortalHD. I watch you guys on YouTube." I responded, I looked down to not sure how he would respond. " Well," He said, " I'm glad we have such a cool fan as you. I looked up smiling I was glad he wasn't mad at me. " Well since you know what my job is what is yours?" " I go to school at Mountain Collage, I'm studying photography and graphic design." " So, you have a camera?" " Yeah let me go get it." I walked back to my house ran into my room and grabbed my camera bag then ran back.  Once I got back to their house I put the lens on and turned it on. " See." I snapped a picture of him. " Your deleting that." He walked inside signaling for me to follow, I put my strap for my bag on my shoulder walking inside.

      There house was about the same size as mine, but you could tell guys lived there. James walked down a flight of stairs I followed. I entered a room that was full of guys on computers. I immediately recognized who they were. The Creatures, Aleks had started playing Minecraft. " Guys, This is... well acctuly I don't know her name." Said James. All eyes were then on me, " Oh, I'm Kat."

                                       { 6 months later}

      " Come on Kitty Kat!" James yelled. James and I have been dating for about 5 months now. I don't love him though, but I don't want to hurt him. I think I like Aleks, but he has a girlfriend Katie, and he doesn't seem to be happy to be going on a trip with her for a week. Katie would be OK, but she complains too much. It's as though nothing is good enough for her. Even though she has a great guy like Aleks. Jason isn't coming for this trip, Monica has got sick and hasn't recovered. So he is staying to watch her. Dan, Aleks, Eddie, James, Katie, Nick, and myself are going. This is going to be a amazing trip I already know something special is going to happen.

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