Not Alone

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Here I go at an attempt continue this book I need feedback though OK.

   The note said " I hope you have fun I have hidden the key in this room its the only way out in the hall Good Luck". Then John flipped the mattress, looked under the bed, under pillows, under the sheets and in the pillow cases but it wasn't there.

   Then he saw the pile of dolls and said "NO FUCKING WAY". So of course as desperate as he is John started tearing each one apart limb by limb. After he finished the dolls he saw the giant stuffed bear in the closet. He noticed there was a hole for a belly button. He went over and reached in. John let out a sigh of relief as he felt the metallic key. He immediately unlocked the door.

   When John opened it there was another note by his feet. It read " There are two doors in front of you. You must make a decision ok John. The door on your left is the easiest way out but you'll have to get the police to attempt to help your family which will probably be to late. The door on the right is the hard way but you get to save your family one member at a time. Which will you choose? "

   John screamed " WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS PERSON THINK THEY ARE!!!" after a few minutes when he calmed down he chose the door on the right. When he opened it found his wife Sara unconscious, blind folded and tied up on the queen sized bed. John took the blindfold off of her and started searching for something to cut the ties of of his wife. He searched for twenty minutes and only found little kids scissors then his wife started to wake up. He ran over to his wife and cut the the rope with the scissors. When Sara sat up hugged and kissed her. Then he asked here what happened.

It might take a while for the next chapter. Don't forget to comment your thoughts.

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