Chapter 2

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Hope you like the story! x



The people at the Hospital were so lovely and patient towards me. I was only learning and they treated me like I was already part of their full time staff. I loved working in the hospital, I loved waking up in the morning and knowing that I was going to help somebody today.

I had a daily routine every morning. Wake up at 6:30, make myself breakfast, have a shower, get dressed, then spend 10 minutes covering the scar above above my eyebrow, ring my mother- this wasn't a set thing, it only happened on some mornings, and then leave for work on my bicycle, or I would drive. I preferred not to drive.  

The scar that lined my eyebrow has been their since I was 12. When I was 12 my family was in a car accident. My father, Leigh was driving when a drunken man swerved onto our side of the lane. My brother and I where in the back. Harrison escaped with a broken arm, he was 10. My mother, a severe concussion, 2 broken ribs and and broken nose. Myself, My head was slammed into the seat in front of me. The impact was so hard, I lost my memory. Still, to this day I cannot remember many things before the accident. When I try to, things become hazy and confusing. The things I remember, are the things people have told me. I also received a large gash, running parallel to my right eyebrow. My father, he died in the accident. His seat was were the other car manly impacted, I was seated behind him. 

I don't remember my dad. Only that he was loving and kind and warm. Mom used to tell me stories about him, and I would try to remember him, but I couldn't. He was a hazey fragment of my mind.

I cover up the scar, because it helps me forget.


I was sitting behind the desk at the hospital, fiddling with a pen as I filled out personal paperwork. My coffee had gone cold, so I decided to make myself a new one. As I stood, I heard the rush of footsteps and the speed of wheels. I could hear desperate voices and monitors beeping. The noise grew louder and louder, until the co motion was in front of me.

A boy, around 21 was bound to a hospital bed, he was unconscious. I could see a woman looking desperately at the boy, I gathered she was his mother. Their was a few other men, making phone calls and pacing in the hall way. The doctor, Harry King, gasped "Find me an empty room!" 

I scanned the computer for a moment before saying, "Room 56 is available. It's the closet room to hear, straight down the hall to your left." 

And with that, the bed was off down the hallway. 


For hours, I heard no movement from room 56. It wasn't until 5 hours later, that the women who I thought was his mother came to the desk. 

"Hi, um. Do you have any coffee?" She whispered. I could hear how tired she was. 

I stood up and walked down the hall way. "This way." She followed me into the dining room. I motioned to were the coffee was. 

"Thank you." She managed to say before offering me a smile. I smiled back and for the first time our eyes locked. She stared at me for a moment before shaking her head and focusing on the coffee. 

I left the room and went back to my desk. Her eyes showed so much pain, so much emotion. But I felt like I knew them, like I had seen them before. 

**5 Days Later**

"Savannah, can you please do a quick check of patient in room 56." 

I hadn't seen the women, since that night. As I made my way down the hall to room 56, I hoped I would see her again. I opened the door and saw the boy alone. He was asleep. 

Quietly, I analysed his information at the end of the bed. Justin Drew Bieber, Born 1st of March 1982.  That made him 21. 

"Can you please get me some water." Croaked Justin. I dropped the pieces of paper from fright.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay." I said, as I picked up the paper. As I looked up I saw his brown eyes starring at me, I blushed. "Um, yes. I'll get you, your water." 

When I returned he had a smirk on his face. I placed the water down beside him as I continued to read over the information. 

"What's your name?" He asked, "Savannah." I said without looking up at him. 

"Savannah, huh? I once knew a Savannah." I looked up this time, to be greeted by his brown eyes starring at mine. 

"I um, need to take your blood pressure. So could you please sit up." I moved towards him and as he sat up the blanket fell, revealing his body. I looked at the ceiling so I could regain my face and my mind. I had to act professional. 

"So, Justin. How did you end up in hospital?" I took a quick glance at his face, again his eye's where starring at mine. "I was in a car accident." I looked at him again, with sympathy I said, "I'm sorry to hear that." Justin shrugged and continued, "I was trying to find someone. Someone who meant a lot to me. But I was trying to hard, they had forgotten about me. I was driving back to Stratford when I hit a pole, wrapped myself around it and now I'm here." I concentrated on the pump letting the words sink in. 

"Your blood pressure is normal. I will be back to check on you in 1 hour." I stood up and left the room, holding my breath. There was something about this boy, I wanted to see him again. 

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