Beautiful People - Prologue

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I want to tell you a story. A story about how sometimes, good doesn’t win, about how no matter how beautiful you may be on the inside most people don’t care. It’s a story about how money and looks do make the world go round, about how there’s no such thing as love and even if there was such a thing, the odds are stacked against you by the millions. Think about it; there are around 6 500 000 000 000 people in the world. About a half or so are men; 3 250 000 000 000. Assuming an average life span is about 80 years you would divide this number by 80; 40 625 000 000. The odds of you finding your soul mate are slim to none.  About 40 625 000 000:1 to be exact. Give or take a couple hundred million.  Yet we fill our heads with countless fantasies, romances and fairytales. But do we ever stop to wonder, “What are the odds of this happening?” Usually people tend to shun such thoughts from their heads, looking at the bright side. I am not a pessimist, I am actually quite optimistic, but the reality of the situation isn’t reassuring. In fact over 50% of marriages end in divorce. Your gambling 50/50 on your chance of being happy with the same person for the rest of your life who has a 1 in 40 625 000 000 chance of being ‘the one’. Just think about that.

I won’t start at the beginning because I can’t figure out where the beginning began and ended. Thinking back on it now I realize things I didn’t at the time. So with that said I’ll give you a small introduction. My name is Andrea Willis. But I am usually referred to as Andy.  I am average in most ways, in fact if you saw me in a crowd you would most likely skip right over me. I am average height, give or take a few inches. I am a healthy 15 year old girl, shoulder length plain brown hair, a bit on the pale side, but nothing out of the usual. I have no tattoos, several ear piercings, but that just about sums it up. I have average grades, B’s and a couple A’s. I’m not what you would call beautiful, but I’m not ugly. I’m an average person in most aspects.  In fact you’d think such an extraordinary story couldn’t even be about me, and truth be told, it’s not. But there is one thing about me that is rather special, and it’s a secret worth my life and many more. No, I’m not some mythical creature of the night or some bull like that. In fact it’s almost impossible for there to exist such magical beings. Saying vampires walk amongst us, is the equivalent to saying that blood-thirsty, mind-reading, sparkling, trendy zombies walk amongst us without our notice. But I won't tell you. Not just yet.

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