Author's Note

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Hey, guys! So I know I need to update VLTN, but I just saw Fury Road, and my God it was amazing and I had this flash of inspiration and...yeah. So, here we are. With Mad Max fanfiction.

(Also, why is there no Nuxable fanfiction on this site? Like, none. At first, I wanted to take it upon myself to remedy that, butttt...I failed. I am not worthy to write fluff for Nux and Capable. Maybe someday.)

At any rate, I'm pulling a George Miller and not saying where this falls on the Mad Max timeline. Well, it must be post-Road Warrior. You're free to imagine Mel Gibson Max or Tom Hardy Max (personally, I adore both, but Mel was kinda the original).

If you haven't seen any of the Mad Max movies, you'll probably still be able to read this. Just Google pictures of Max and his car, and you're pretty much set. It's mostly self explanatory.

Though, you still should probably watch the movies. They're kind of flipping amazing.

So the story behind me and Mad Max (you can just skip to the end of this author's note, unless you care deeply about my life story) is that my dad is kind of nuts about it. So, before I had seen any of he movies, I would get confused and irritated when he would go on quoting sprees. It was usually Thunderdome quotes, nonstop. Who run Bartertown?  Master Blaster run Bartertown. He's bad, he's beautiful, he's crazy, he's...the man with no name! Walker, Walker, Walker...None of it made any sense to me, so, one day, my dad ordered Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome on Amazon and declared that my brother and I (who would have been, like, ten and eleven at the time, respectively) were going to watch it.

At first, I was extremely opposed to it. One glance at the cover and it was very obvious how eighties this movie was, and I kind of completely despise the eighties. But, as he tends to do, my dad forced me to watch it.

I did not expect to like it one bit.

I loved it.

It was pure magic...Bartertown and Master Blaster and Pig Killer and Iron Bar and Scrooloose and Savannah Nix and the car chase scenes and stuff blowing up and the post-apocalyptic dieselpunk weirdness. I was in love.

So it kinda just escalated from there.

Anyway, Mad Max is amazing. Fury Road was the best one yet (Oh, what a day! What a lovely day!).

And a little bit of technical stuff, too: this fanfic is probably gonna be pretty short, so it might be plausible for me to finish it (if any of you have read my story 'the Iron Army', it'll be about that long. If you haven't read it, please don't. It's awful). It might also be a little bloody, but hey, it's Mad Max. I'll try to keep it PG-13. Sexual themes will be few, if at all (that's not the way I roll).

And you, my beautiful human, are my favorite person ever for even thinking about reading this trash.


BadWolf out.


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