T Or D, Prank Calls, & First Times

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Flashback to the middle of sophomore year in highschool in Atlanta

Ro: hey 4 you coming to my house later right?

Usher: yep as soon as practice is over.

Ro: okay.

Usher: you have snacks right? *starts bouncing basketball*

Teacher: Usher what have I told you before the basketball is for outside or the gym only not the hallways your not playing in a game so stop bouncing it or I'm keeping it. *walks off*

Usher: *stops bouncing the ball, & fake smiles* anything for you Ms. Moore.

Ms. Moore: thank you, & hello Miss Rozonda how is your mother?

Ro: she's good.

Ms. Moore: that's good, well tell her I said hey.

Ro: okay I will. *fake smiles*

Ms. Moore: remember what I said Mr. Raymond.

Usher: I will Ms. Moore.

Ms. Moore: *walks off*

Usher: remember what I said Mr. Raymond *smacks teeth* I can't stand her she always on my s**t, I don't get how she can like you, & not like me.

Ro: well you did throw eggs at her car that one time.

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