Quote 67

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"It hurts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday, makes you feel so unwanted today."

(Sooooooo ,.... Don't kill me guys.. I knowwww I haven't updated in Centuries, but its because of school.. And others in other countries be like.. What?! Why are you in school so early?! And I'm like.. I live in the Philippines so classes start at June.. Another reason is .. MY EXAM IS TOMORROW!! I've been studying non-stop for 2 MONTHS!! Sooo sorry peeps!! But, i also have something to say.. GUYS DONT BE SHY TO HIDE YOUR FEELINGS !! COMMENT IT IN THE HB BOARD.!! Which is a chapter where NOBODY ever COMMENTS !!.. And aside from that , i'm gonna ask s ome questions in each chapter.. Uhm so yeah that's all.)
QOTD: When's your birthday? Comment in the coomment section below, maybe you might find your birthday twin. YOU PEOPLE BETTER COMMENT.. OR ELSE..

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