Chapter 23

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Next Day(it's Sunday btw)I get up earlier.
I couldn't sleep tonight...every time I tried to sleep I started thinking about moving,Leo...and Lucas.
I don't know what to do,this is to complicated.
I have 2 hours until I think what will I say to Leo.
This is so hard,I don't know..should I tell him about the moving part or with Lucas part.
I'm so confused...


I'm so happy!
Today I'm finally going HOME!!
And everything is good again between me and Ariana so that's amazing.
2 more hours and I'm finally home!!
(2 hours later)
"Come in!"I yelled
"Hey,Leo!I've missed you so much!"Ariana said and hugged me
"I missed you too!"I said and hugged her back
We were literally 1 hour in the hospital cause we started to talking about some stuffs and I'm just gonna say the nurse and the doctor were mad on us and they were every 5 seconds telling us to be quite cause we were laughing so bad.
But when we camed to my house Ariana started to getting little bit worried and nervous.
I didn't know why so I asked her
"Princess?Are you okay?"
"I'm...I'm not gonna lie...I'm not good..."she said and looked at me sadly
"What's wrong princess?"I sadi worried
"I'm moving to Atlanta..."she said sadly
"What?No!That can't happen!I lost you and I don't wanna again!"I said
"I know Leo...I'm so sorry for telling this to you but...I'm breaking up with you...."she said and started crying
"No,common princess distance can't apart us..."I said and I felt tears rolling down my face
"I know Leo but I just can't take this anymore."she said
"So that's it!Your giving up on us..just like this!?"I said sadly
"No!But I just can't okay!Cause there is to much drama with us!We're always fighting about everything and this gone to far Leo."she said and I couldn't believe how is she easily giving up on us
"Okay so from the beginning your toughs were break up with me so why did you forgive me then Ariana?Why?"I asked
"They weren't my toughs but something changed and I just don't know everything is different about us."she said
"What changed?What?You don't love me anymore don't you.But that's fine cause I don't love you too and you are my biggest mistake in my life so you go in Atlanta cause I don't care!(he lied)"I said/yelled
"So you don't love me...I don't care cause I never loved you and I'm happy cause I'm moving to Atlanta cause I don't wanna see you ever again!(she lied too)she said and left me


I was running as fast as I could to get home.
I was all in tears when I opened my front door.
My mom started asking me what's wrong,but I just replied with "Where's dad?"
"He's in ours room packing because he's going on a plane to Atlanta in the morning.But honey are you okay?"she asked
"Thanks and I'm fine."I replied and started going to mom and dad's room
"Dad can I go with you?"I asked
"You mean in Atlanta tomorrow?"he asked
"Y-yes."I said and I really badly wanted to cry
"Yes of course,but you need to pack and what's wrong?"he asked
"Thank you dad and nothing I'm fine."I said and started running to my room
So it looks like I'm going to Atlanta...
And it's over everything what I had with Leo...
I'll miss him everyday but I need to move on...but the best question is can I?

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